As most of you are aware, it is 4 weeks until we complete our 35th year of Project Gutenberg history, and we have about 380 eBooks left to make it to 20,000. This would be about 95 per week. . .we did 82 this week. So it's not such a Big Push as we did to get to 10,000, but a rather smaller push, which is why you haven't heard me say an awfully lot about it. . .things are working out much a closer match to reaching 20,000 on our 35th anniversary than anyone, myself included, would likely have predicted. However, especially since I am planning on taking a week off, right at July 4th, I am best man at my best friend's wedding, I am trying to get as much as possible done before I leave as soon as I can after sending out the Newsletter a week before. I am working on the July 5th Newsletter, and will have it out in a fairly complete manner half a day after the previous one goes out, and am hoping that some of our volunteers will have the wherewithal to update it and send it out July 5th with an entirely up to date revision, that hopefully will hit 20,000. If you have any books that are near completion, but would not be totally through all the various processes, we can put them in the "PrePrints" section now, where perhaps a few people in the next few weeks can help with them. More later, I'm just trying to make it one day at a time right now. . . . Thanks!!! Give the world eBooks in 2006!!! Michael S. Hart Founder Project Gutenberg Blog at http://hart.pglaf.org