!@! Read an E-Book Week 2011
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 23:42:40 -0600 From: RitaT <r.toews@shaw.ca> To: Rita <r.toews@shaw.ca> Subject: Read an E-Book Week 2011 This year Read an E-Book Week celebrates the anniversary of the first e-book. Yes, it's been 40 years since Michael S. Hart created the first e-book - a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Hart joins with Read an E-Book Week as we celebrate from March 6-12th. It is now time to update the website with the 2011 partners and we would like to see your name listed. To participate as a partner we ask the following: a) a free (or deeply discounted) e-book easily accessible for visitors to your website. Please do not redirect visitors to another website for the download. b) a Read an E-Book Week banner prominently displayed (not part of a rotation) on your site, linked back to http://www.ebookweek.com The banner should stay in place until the end of the event. In turn, we will place a link to your website on our partners page. This link will stay in place for a year. You will note there are websites listed at the top of the list with an icon. These sites have made a donation, or assisted with the upkeep of the Read an E-Book website. Banners for the event can be found at http://www.ebookweek.com/ebook_banners.html Feel free to resize them for your website. We can also create custom banners if you wish. A limited number of advertising spots are available on the website. Happy anniversary e-books! Read an E-Book Week
participants (1)
Michael S. Hart