On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 12:06 AM, Paulo Levi <i30817@gmail.com> wrote:
Did you find a problem anyway?
The are some bugs in the tts module , mostly because of latency of the sound player and the sound mixer massive fail in linux but last time i tested* it worked ok.

*a while ago.

"David A. Desrosiers" <desrod@gnu-designs.com> wrote

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Paulo Levi<i30817@gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you find a problem anyway?

Yes, it doesn't actually DO anything. This screenshot is the extent of
what I could get the application to do:


I have no idea what the "Toggle Voice/Stop Voice" are supposed to do,
since it doesn't speak anything. Likewise with the increase/decrease
fonts. Since there are no "fonts" displayed anywhere (other than in
the menus themselves), what exactly would it be increasing/decreasing?

> The are some bugs in the tts module , mostly because of latency of the sound
> player and the sound mixer massive fail in linux but last time i tested* it
> worked ok.

What exactly am I supposed to do with a big, gray screen with a tiny
thumbnail image in the middle of it? The menus don't really do much,
unless I'm supposed to load up a browser, find a Gutenberg text,
download it, stick it in a directory and point your reader at it. If I
have to do all that, I'll just read the etext in a browser using the
HTML formatted version of the books.

Try to open the toogle gutenberg write a title or author name in the text field and click on the image/name that appears. You should see a download icon on the left side. After it downloads, you can double click (or right click and select open) to open the reader for that file. You can also open a local file.

Do you suggest me starting the program with the gutenberg panel open?

That thumbnail is probably from the test i did before downloading (the configuration file saves the downloaded files path, and the image webservice doesn't depend on the file itself (it tries locally then if that fails tries remotely), so that might be why you see the image but can double click and read it. Just ignore that as a config bug.

As for the sound in the linux labs i had some problems with the default fedora configuration here in the labs - it disabled the sound type the java api uses (before i modified the soundplayer class it also didn't play if i used the first line that appeared - the sound lines say they are ready but they are actually in use and at the level that binding operates i guess linux doesn't allow mixing. But it's probably something in the sound configuration panel PCM disabled or something like that - though you don't loose much, it's just the default freetts voice. I'm going to change to mary eventually.

Also it's sound advice that the actions on the right click menu should be contextual