pt1a1.d05 pt1b1.d05 Weekly_December_14.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter For Wednesday, December 14, 2005 PT1 ******eBooks Readable By Both Humans And Computers Since July 4, 1971******* PT1B Newsletter editors needed! Please email hart@pobox.com or gbnewby@pglaf.org Anyone who would care to get advance editions: please email hart@pobox.com ***Continuing Requests New Sites and Announcements General Catalog of Old Books and Authors http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ngcoba.htm which now indexes 24,000 books available free online, including all PG(US) & PG(Aus)'s books, along with some basic date information about them and their authors where you can find more. 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That's 49 WEEKS as Compared to ~30 Years!!! 61 New eBooks This Week 49 New eBooks Last Week [took one out] 61 New eBooks This Month [Dec] ~250 Average Per Month in 2005 336 Average Per Month in 2004 355 Average Per Month in 2003 203 Average Per Month in 2002 103 Average Per Month in 2001 2819 New eBooks in 2005 4049 New eBooks in 2004 4164 New eBooks in 2003 2441 New eBooks in 2002 1240 New eBooks in 2001 ==== 14,713 New eBooks Since Start Of 2001 That's Only 58.80 Months! ~250 books per month! 17,775 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks 14,707 eBooks This Week Last Year ==== 3,068 New eBooks In Last 12 Months 514 eBooks From Project Gutenberg of Australia [This does NOT include PGAu eBooks posted at the U.S. site: www.gutenberg.org ] * PROJECT GUTENBERG DISTRIBUTED PROOFREADERS UPDATE: Since starting production in October 2000, Distributed Proofreaders has contributed 7,806 Books to Project Gutenberg. 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PGCC's current eBook and eDocument Collections listings of 18 collections. . .with this week's listing as: Alex-Wire Tap Collection, 2,036 HTML eBook Files Black Mask Collection, 12,000 HTML eBook Files The Coradella Bookshelf Collection, 141 eBook Files DjVu Collection, 272 PDF and DJVU eBook Files eBooks@Adelaide Collection, 27,709 eBook Files Himalayan Academy, 3,400 HTML eBook Files Internet Archive ~30,000 eBook Files [In Progress] <<< Literal Systems Collection, 68 MP3 eBook Files Logos Group Collection, ~34,000 TXT eBook Files Poet's Corner Poetry Collection, 6,700 Poetry Files Project Gutenberg Collection, 15,035 eBook Files PGCC Chinese eBook Collection ~300 eBook files <<< Note Name Change Renaisscance Editions Collection, 561 HTML eBook Files Swami Center Collection, 78 HTML eBook Files Tony Kline Collection, 223 HTML eBook Files Widger Library, 2,600 HTML eBook Files CIA's Electronic Reading Room, 2,019 Reference Files =======Grand Total Files=========~137,142 Total Files===== Average Size of the Collections 8,067.18 Total Files These eBooks are catalogued as per the instructions of their donors: some are one file per book; some have a file for each chapter; and some even have a file for a single page or poem. . .or are overcounted for reasons I have not mentioned. . .each of which could cause the overcounting or duplication of numbers. If we presume 2 out of 3 of these files are overcounts, that leaves a unique book total of ~45,714 Unique eBooks If we presume 3 out of 4 of these files are overcounts, that leaves a unique book total of ~34,286 Unique eBooks *** Please also note that over 25,000 eBooks are listed via The Online Books Page, of which over 5,700 are from PG. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/ In addition: The Internet Public Library had a similar listing which is now in limbo. If anyone knows what is happening with the IPL, please let us know. Inquiries, made months ago, and again recently, have not turned up any current information. You can try a new IPL service at: http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum60.60.00/ It would appear that The Internet Public Library ended its first incarnation with about 22,284 entries, which has now been surpassed by the Online Books Page. Still looking for more Internet Public Library info. *** Today Is Day #343 of 2005 This Completes Week #49 and Month #11.25 [364 days this year] 35 Days/06 Weeks To Go [We get 52 Wednesdays this year] 2,225 Books To Go To #20,000 [Our production year begins/ends 1st Wednesday of the month/year] 58 Weekly Average in 2005 78 Weekly Average in 2004 79 Weekly Average in 2003 47 Weekly Average in 2002 24 Weekly Average in 2001 45 Only 45 Numbers Left On Our Reserved Numbers list [Used to be well over 100] *** Permanent Requests For Assistance: DISTRIBUTED PROOFREADERS NEEDS CONTENT, PROOFERS AND SCANNER TYPES Please visit the site: http://www.pgdp.net for more information about how you can help a lot by simply proofreading just a few pages per day, or more. 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Note that updated eBooks usually go in their original directory (e.g., etext99, etext00, etc.) *** Statistical Review In the 49 weeks of this year, we have produced 2891 new eBooks. It took us from 7/71 to 9/01 to produce our FIRST 2819 eBooks!!! That's 49 WEEKS as Compared to ~30 YEARS!!! FLASHBACK! Here's a sample of what books we were doing around eBook #2697 Mon Year Title and Author [filename.ext] ### A "C" Following The eText # Indicates That This eText Is Under Copyright [Note: books without month and year entries are now in new catalog format] Oct 2001 The Wars of The Jews, by Flavius Josephus [warjexxx.xxx] 2850 [Title: The Wars of The Jews or the History of the Destruction of Jerusalem] Oct 2001 Against Apion, by Flavius Josephus[Tr. Wm. Whiston[agaapxxx.xxx] 2849 Oct 2001 The Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus [taofjxxx.xxx] 2848 Oct 2001 Josephus' Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades[hadesxxx.xxx] 2847 [Title: An Extract out of Josephus's Discourse to The Greeks Concerning Hades] Oct 2001 The Life of Flavius Josephus, Tr. by Wm. Whiston [lfjosxxx.xxx] 2846 Oct 2001 Sir Nigel, by Arthur Conan Doyle [A. C. Doyle #24][nigelxxx.xxx] 2845 Oct 2001 Fatal Boots, by William Makepeace Thackeray [#25][fbootxxx.xxx] 2844 Oct 2001 Little Travels and Roadside Sketches, by Thackeray[ltarsxxx.xxx] 2843 Oct 2001 Black Heart and White Heart, by H. R. Haggard[#24][bwhrtxxx.xxx] 2842 Oct 2001 The Ivory Child, by H. Rider Haggard [Haggard #23][ivoryxxx.xxx] 2841 (Note: These three are our first eBooks in Flemish/Dutch:) Sep 2001 De Franse Pers, Heinrich Heine [#3/Flemish/Dutch][fpersxxx.xxx] 2840 Sep 2001 Franse Toestanden, Heinrich Heine[2/Flemish/Dutch][ftoesxxx.xxx] 2839 Sep 2001 De Beurs lacht, Heinrich Heine [#1/Flemish/Dutch][fbeurxxx.xxx] 2838 Sep 2001 Lendas do Sul, by J. Somoes Lopes Netto [lendaxxx.xxx] 2837 [Language: Portuguese] (Note: Our First eBook in Portuguese!) Sep 2001 Abraham Lincoln and the Union, Nath'l W Stephenson[alatuxxx.xxx] 2836 Sep 2001 The Canadian Dominion, by Oscar D. Skelton [cndndxxx.xxx] 2835 Sep 2001 The Portrait of a Lady, Vol 2, by Henry James[#37][2pldyxxx.xxx] 2834 Sep 2001 The Portrait of a Lady, Vol 1, by Henry James[#36][1pldyxxx.xxx] 2833 Sep 2001 Myth, Ritual, and Religion, V1, by Andrew Lang #28[1mrarxxx.xxx] 2832 Sep 2001 A Bundle of Ballads, by Henry Morley [bndbaxxx.xxx] 2831 Sep 2001 Reginald, by Saki (H. H. Munro) [Saki HH Munro #5][rgnldxxx.xxx] 2830 Sep 2001 Fanny and the Servant Problem, by Jerome K. Jerome[fnyspxxx.xxx] 2829 Sep 2001 Under the Deodars, by Rudyard Kipling[Kipling #19][undeoxxx.xxx] 2828 Sep 2001 Aslauga's Knight by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque 4[slkntxxx.xxx] 2827 Sep 2001 The Two Captains by Friedrich de la Motte-Fouque 3[2cpnsxxx.xxx] 2826 Sep 2001 Undine, by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque[Fouque #2][undinxxx.xxx] 2825 Sep 2001 Sintram and His Companions, by Friedrich Fouque #1[sntrmxxx.xxx] 2824 [Author: Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de La Motte-Fouque] Sep 2001 The Fitz-Boodle Papers/William Makepeace Thackeray[fitzbxxx.xxx] 2823 Sep 2001 London in 1731, Don Manoel Gonzales [londnxxx.xxx] 2822 Sep 2001 The Story of the Gadsby, by Rudyard Kipling[RK#18][tsotgxxx.xxx] 2821 Sep 2001 La Fin des Livres by Octave Uzanne & Albert Robida[endbkxxh.zip] 2820 [English Title: The End of Books] Sep 2001 Barrack-Room Ballads, by Rudyard Kipling [RK #17][barbaxxx.xxx] 2819 Sep 2001 Beautiful Joe, by Marshall Saunders [beajoxxx.xxx] 2818 Sep 2001 Chamber Music, by James Joyce [James Joyce #2][chamuxxx.xxx] 2817 Sep 2001 The City of the Sun, by Tommaso Campanells [tcotsxxx.xxx] 2816 Sep 2001 Democracy An American Novel, by Henry Adams[HA #2][demamxxx.xxx] 2815 Sep 2001 Dubliners, by James Joyce [James Joyce #1] [dblnrxxx.xxx] 2814 Sep 2001 The Grand Babylon Hotel, by Arnold Bennett [grbahxxx.xxx] 2813 Sep 2001 Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero [Cicero #2][letcixxx.xxx] 2812 [Tr. by E. S. Shuckburgh] Sep 2001 Letters of Pliny the Younger, Tr. William Melmoth [ltplnxxx.xxx] 2811 [Revised by F. C. T. Bosanquet] (Note: the filename ltplnxxx.xxx is also used for a totally different eBook, #3234 in etext02) Sep 2001 Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, by Plunkitt and Riordan [plnthxxx.xxx] 2810 Sep 2001 Main-Travelled Roads, by Hamlin Garland [matraxxx.xxx] 2809 Sep 2001 Treatises on Friendship and Old Age, by Cicero [tfroaxxx.xxx] 2808 Sep 2001 To Have and To Hold, by Mary Johnston [thathxxx.xxx] 2807 Sep 2001 Phantom 'Rickshaw & Other Ghost Stories by Kipling[phricxxx.xxx] 2806 Sep 2001 With Lee in Virginia [US Civil War], by G.A. Henty[leeivxxx.xxx] 2805 Sep 2001 Rose in Bloom, by Louisa May Alcott [Alcott #7] [rsblmxxx.xxx] 2804 [This is the sequel to Eight Cousins, #2726] Sep 2001 The Rise of David Levinsky, by Abraham Cahan [lvnskxxx.xxx] 2803 Sep 2001 Ramona, by Helen Hunt Jackson [rmonaxxx.xxx] 2802 Sep 2001 The Commonwealth of Oceana, by James Harrington [oceanxxx.xxx] 2801 Sep 2001 The Koran, Translated by J.M. Rodwell [koranxxx.xxx] 2800 [Title AKA: Al-Qur'an; Q'uran; Quraan] [Intro. by Rev. G. Margoliouth, M.A.] (Note: previously incorrectly listed as The Koran, by Mohammed/Mohammad) (See also: #3434, #7440) * Have We Given Away A Trillion Books/Dollars Yet From http://gutenberg.org? 1.15 Trillion eBooks Given Away If our average eBook has reached just 1% of the world population of 6,485,055,987 that would be 17,775 x 64,850,560 = ~1.15 Trillion !!! With 17,775 eBooks online as of December 14, 2005 it now takes an average of ~1% of the world gaining a nominal value of ~$.87 from each book. [1% world population x #eBooks] 64,850,560 x 17,775 x $.87 = ~$1 Trillion [Google "world population" "popclock" to get the most current figures.] * A Trillion Dollars Given Away At Just $.57 Value Per Book With 17,775 eBooks online as of December 14, 2005 it now takes an average of 100,000,000 readers gaining a nominal value of $0.56 from each book. This "cost" is down from about $.68 when we had 14,707 eBooks a year ago. Our Target Audience Is 1.5% Of The World Population, or 100,000,000 readers. At 17,775 eBooks in 34 Years and 05.25 Months We Averaged ~516 Per Year 43.0 Per Month 1.41 Per Day At 2819 eBooks Done In The 343 Days Of 2005 We Averaged 8.2 Per Day 58 Per Week 251 Per Month If you are interested in the population of the world or of the U.S. you might want to know that these numbers, official as they appear, are just just estimates, and perhaps not as accurate as we hope. Recently the U.S. Congress, pertaining to district reapportionment, who gets to vote for which Congresspeople, decided that many of the districts were undercounted by 5%, perhaps then later deciding that all districts had been undercounted by 5% [can't recall details]. However, I just this moment heard a news item that made me wonder a bit more about the accuracy of the U.S. Census. A "Special Census" is taking place in Normal, Illinois, that is expected to count more people, by a factor of 3,000 or 3,400, depending on which source. 45,386 was the population as per the 2000 Census, so 3,000 added to this would be an increase of 6.6%, and 3,400 would be 7.5%, above a possibly automatic increase of 5% as per the same terms above but I presume this is in addition to previous adjustments. Of course, we should consider that we would have to double figures, perhaps to 15% from those above, if are considering the normal time between censuses of 10 years, these are for 5 years' growth. In previous news I heard about the U.S. Census, no mention was made about the annexation of various nearly locations as a cause of this normally unexpected growth, but it is mentioned at the site I found on the subject of the current Special Census. If annexation is the primary cause of such increases, country wide, then we should not be expecting a huge rise in the 2010 Census, but rather should expect something more along the norm. However, if it is not annexation, but more actual people on the average, then this might be an indicator that the population of the U.S. may have seen 300 million go by some time ago. For more details, see: www.normal.org/WhatsNew/Census.htm The production statistics are calculated based on full weeks' production; each production-week starts/ends Wednesday noon, starts with the first Wednesday of January. January 5th was the first Wednesday of 2005, and thus ended PG's production year of 2004 and began the production year of 2005 at noon. This year there will be 52 Wednesdays, thus no extra week. *** *Information About the Project Gutenberg Mailing Lists For more information about the Project Gutenberg's mailing lists, including the Project Gutenberg Weekly and Monthly Newsletters: and the other Project Gutenberg Mailing Lists: The weekly is sent on Wednesdays, and the monthly is sent on the first Wednesday of the month. To subscribe to any (or to unsubscribe or adjust your subscription preferences), visit the Project Gutenberg mailing list server: http://lists.pglaf.org If you are having trouble with your subscription, please email the list's human administrators at: help@pglaf.org