GWeekly_February_08_part2.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 08 Feb 2006 eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since 1971 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 2 of the Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter: - Obtaining Project Gutenberg eBooks - Updates/corrections to previously posted eBooks - 61 New U.S. eBooks this week - 2 New eBooks at Project Gutenberg of Australia - Last, but not least: insights and other fine stuff - Mailing list information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: HOW TO GET EBOOKS FROM PROJECT GUTENBERG ::. The easiest way to obtain our eBooks is at our search page at which allows searching by title, author or eBook number; there is also an Advanced Search page which allows for additional search criteria (note that our newer postings may not yet be indexed for all additional criteria). And please note: you can now obtain a listing by language at the above link. 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RESERVED/PENDING count: 44 =-=-=-=[ CORRECTIONS, REVISIONS AND NEW FORMATS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= :: During the past week the following ebooks were manually updated and reposted with the indicated filenames and transferred into the corresponding new directories: Dramas of Balzac, by Epiphanius Wilson and J. Walker McSpadden 8598 [Full title: Introduction to the Dramas of Balzac] [Link: ] [Files: 8598.txt] Dorothy Dainty at Glenmore, by Amy Brooks 7479 [Updated edition of: etext05/ddgln10.txt ] [Link: ] [Files: 7479.txt; 7479-8.txt; 7479-h.htm] Roads of Destiny, by O. Henry 1646 [Updated edition of: etext99/rdstn10.txt ] [Link: ] [Files: 1646.txt; 1646-8.txt; 1646-h.htm] Master and Man, by Leo Tolstoy 986 [Translator: Louise and Aylmer Maude] [Updated edition of: etext97/mramn10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 986.txt] Father Sergius, by Leo Tolstoy 985 [Translator: Louise and Aylmer Maude] [Updated edition of: etext97/fsrgs10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 985.txt] Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates, by Howard Pyle 973 [Updated edition of: etext97/hpprt10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 973.txt; 973-h.htm] The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, by Howard Pyle 964 [Updated edition of: etext97/2rbnh10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 964.txt; 964-h.htm] The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson, by Robert Southey 947 [Updated edition of: etext97/hnlsn10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 947.txt; 947-h.htm] The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper 940 [Updated edition of: etext97/mohic10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 940.txt; 940-8.txt; 940-h.htm] The Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, by John Filson 909 [Updated edition of: etext97/1boon10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 909.txt] The Rose and the Ring, by William Makepeace Thackeray 897 [Updated edition of: etext97/rsrng10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 897.txt; 897-h.htm] Little Britain, by Washington Irving 877 [Updated edition of: etext97/lbrit10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 877.txt] The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, by Epictetus 871 [Translator: Hastings Crossley] [Updated edition of: etext97/epict11.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 871.txt; 871-8.txt; 871-h.htm] :: Please note the following additional changes, corrections, improvements: Page images have been added to: Emily Fox-Seton, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 17226 [] -=-=-=-=[ 61 NEW U.S. EBOOKS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ars grammaticae Iaponicae linguae, by Diego Collado 17713 [Language: Latin] [Link: ] [Files: 17713-8.txt; 17713-0.txt; 17713-h.htm] The Moon, by Thomas Gwyn Elger 17712 [Subtitle: A Full Description and Map of its Principal Physical Features] [Link: ] [Files: 17712.txt] Hindustani Lyrics, by Various 17711 [Translator: Inayat Khan and Jessie Westbrook] [Link: ] [Files: 17711.txt; 17711-h.htm] The Devil's Own, by Randall Parrish 17710 [Subtitle: A Romance of the Black Hawk War] [Link: ] [Files: 17710.txt; 17710-h.htm; ] La philosophie sociale dans le theatre d'Ibsen, by Ossip-Lourie 17709 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17709-8.txt; 17709-h.htm] Gaspard de la nuit, by Louis Bertrand 17708 [Subtitle: Fantaisies a la maniere de Rembrandt et de Callot] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17708-8.txt; 17708-h.htm] Ferdinand Huyck, by J. Van Lennep 17706 [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 17706.txt; 17706-8.txt; 17706-h.htm] Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. V. (of V.), by Margaret, Queen Of Navarre 17705 [Illustrator: Freudenberg and Dunker] [Translator: George Saintsbury: From The Authentic Text] [Of M. Le Roux De Lincy With An Essay Upon The Heptameron by the Translator] [Link: ] [Files: 17705.txt; 17705-8.txt; 17705-h.htm] Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. IV. (of V.),by Margaret, Queen Of Navarre 17704 [Illustrator: Freudenberg and Dunker] [Translator: George Saintsbury: From The Authentic Text] [Of M. Le Roux De Lincy With An Essay Upon The Heptameron by the Translator] [Link: ] [Files: 17704.txt; 17704-8.txt; 17704-h.htm] Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. III. (of V.), Margaret, Queen Of Navarre 17703 [Illustrator: Freudenberg and Dunker] [Translator: George Saintsbury: From The Authentic Text] [Of M. Le Roux De Lincy With An Essay Upon The Heptameron by the Translator] [Link: ] [Files: 17703.txt; 17703-8.txt; 17703-h.htm] Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. II. (of V.),by Margaret, Queen Of Navarre 17702 [Illustrator: Freudenberg and Dunker] [Translator: George Saintsbury: From The Authentic Text] [Of M. Le Roux De Lincy With An Essay Upon The Heptameron by the Translator] [Link: ] [Files: 17702.txt; 17702-8.txt; 17702-h.htm] Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. I. (of V.), by Margaret, Queen Of Navarre 17701 [Illustrator: Freudenberg and Dunker] [Translator: George Saintsbury: From The Authentic Text] [Of M. Le Roux De Lincy With An Essay Upon The Heptameron by the Translator] [Link: ] [Files: 17701.txt; 17701-8.txt; 17701-h.htm] Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the US, by W. E. B. Du Bois 17700 [Title: The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America; 1638-1870] [Link: ] [Files: 17700.txt; 17700-8.txt; 17700-h.htm] The Evolution of Love, by Emil Lucka 17699 [Translator: Ellie Schleussner] [Link: ] [Files: 17699.txt; 17699-8.txt; 17699-h.htm] Bella Donna, by Robert Hichens 17698 [Subtitle: A Novel] [Link: ] [Files: 17698.txt; 17698-8.txt; 17698-0.txt; 17698-h.htm] The Trumpeter Swan, by Temple Bailey 17697 [Illustrator: Alice Barber Stephens] [Link: ] [Files: 17697.txt; 17697-8.txt; 17697-h.htm] Simone, by Victor Tissot 17696 [Subtitle: Histoire d'une jeune fille moderne] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17696-8.txt; 17696-0.txt] A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.], by Wolfram Eberhard 17695 [Link: ] [Files: 17695.txt; 17695-8.txt; 17695-0.txt; 17695-h.htm] Adventures in New Guinea, by James Chalmers 17694 [Link: ] [Files: 17694.txt; 17694-h.htm] La San-Felice, Tome I, by Alexandre Dumas 17693 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17693-8.txt; 17693-h.htm] L'elixir de vie, by Jules Lermina 17692 [Subtitle: Conte magique] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17692-8.txt] Le tour de France en aeroplane, by Henry de Graffigny 17691 [Illustrator: Ferdinand Raffin] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17691-8.txt; 17691-h.htm] The Master of Appleby, by Francis Lynde 17690 [Subtitle: A Novel Tale Concerning Itself in Part with the Great Struggle in the Two Carolinas; but Chiefly with the Adventures Therein of Two Gentlemen Who Loved One and the Same Lady] [Illus.: T. de Thulstrup] [Link: ] [Files: 17690.txt; 17690-8.txt; 17690-h.htm; ] Sea Warfare, by Rudyard Kipling 17689 [Link: ] [Files: 17689.txt; 17689-8.txt; 17689-h.htm] Morphine, by Jean-Louis Dubut de Laforest 17688 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17688-8.txt; 17688-0.txt] Il libro delle figurazioni ideali, by Gianpietro Lucini 17687 [Language: Italian] [Link: ] [Files: 17687-8.txt; 17687-h.htm] Troilus ja Cressida, by William Shakespeare 17686 [Translator: Paavo Cajander] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 17686-8.txt] Wandelingen door Elzas-Lotharingen, by Anonymous 17685 [Subtitle: De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886] [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 17685-8.txt; 17685-h.htm] Life of Lord Byron, Vol. I. (of VI.), by Thomas Moore 17684 [Subtitle: With his Letters and Journals.] [Link: ] [Files: 17684.txt; 17684-8.txt; 17684-0.txt; 17684-h.htm] The Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56, No. 2, January 12, 1884, by Various 17683 [Subtitle: A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside] [Link: ] [Files: 17683.txt; 17683-8.txt; 17683-h.htm] The Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28, ed. by Charles William Daniel 17682 [Subtitle: The Independent Health Magazine] [Link: ] [Files: 17682.txt; 17682-8.txt; 17682-h.htm] Lippa, by Beatrice Egerton 17681 [Link: ] [Files: 17681.txt; 17681-8.txt; 17681-h.htm] The Title Market, by Emily Post 17680 [Illustrator: J. H. Gardner Soper] [Link: ] [Files: 17680.txt; 17680-8.txt; 17680-h.htm] The Story of a Nodding Donkey, by Laura Lee Hope 17679 [Illustrator: Harry L. Smith] [Link: ] [Files: 17679.txt; 17679-h.htm] The Apology of the Church of England, by John Jewel 17678 [Ed.: Henry Morley and Matthew Parker] [Translator: Ann Bacon] [Link: ] [Files: 17678.txt; 17678-h.htm] The Tree of Appomattox, by Joseph A. Altsheler 17677 [Link: ] [Files: 17677.txt] Le magasin d'antiquites, Tome II, by Charles Dickens 17676 [Translator: A. des Essarts] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17676-8.txt; 17676-r.rtf] Le magasin d'antiquites, Tome I, by Charles Dickens 17675 [Translator: A. des Essarts] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17675-8.txt; 17675-r.rtf] Nora, by Henrik Ibsen 17674 [Subtitle: Nytelm kolmessa nytksess] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 17674-8.txt] Eric le Mendiant, by Pierre Zaccone 17673 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17673-8.txt; 17673-r.rtf] The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3, by William Curtis 17672 [Subtitle: Or, Flower-Garden Displayed] [Link: ] [Files: 17672.txt; 17672-8.txt; 17672-h.htm] Poesie scelte, by Silvio Pellico 17671 [Language: Italian] [Link: ] [Files: 17671-8.txt; 17671-h.htm] Les petits vagabonds, by Jeanne Marcel 17670 [Illustrator: E. Bayard] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17670-8.txt; 17670-h.htm] Three Brides, Love in a Cottage, and Other Tales,by Francis A. Durivage 17669 [Link: ] [Files: 17669.txt; 17669-8.txt; 17669-h.htm] Plus fort que la haine, by Leon de Tinseau 17668 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17668-8.txt; 17668-0.txt] Dialogues of the Dead, by Lord Lyttelton 17667 [Editor: Henry Morley] [Link: ] [Files: 17667.txt; 17667-h.htm] Lucia Rudini, by Martha Trent 17666 [Subtitle: Somewhere in Italy] [Link: ] [Files: 17666.txt; 17666-8.txt; 17666-h.htm; ] Mia Kontrabandulo, by Louisa May Alcott 17665 [Subtitle: My Contraband] [Translator: Edwin Grobe] [Language: Esperanto] [Link: ] [Files: 17665.txt; 17665-8.txt; 17665-0.txt; 17665-h.htm] Kampagne in Frankreich, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 17664 [Language: German] [Link: ] [Files: 17664-8.txt] McClure's Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1, May 1908, by Various 17663 [Link: ] [Files: 17663.txt; 17663-8.txt; 17663-h.htm] L'Illustration, Samedi le 15 Aout 1914, 72e Annee, No. 3729, by Various 17662 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17662-8.txt; 17662-h.htm] La Recluse, by Pierre Zaccone 17661 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17661-8.txt] L'archipel en feu, by Jules Verne 17660 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17660-8.txt; 17660-r.rtf] Noodlot, by Louis Couperus 17659 [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 17659-8.txt; 17659-h.htm] The Harbor Master, by Theodore Goodridge Roberts 17658 [Link: ] [Files: 17658.txt; 17658-8.txt; 17658-h.htm] Belagerung von Mainz, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 17657 [Language: German] [Link: ] [Files: 17657-8.txt] Gertrude et Veronique, by Andre Theuriet 17656 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17656-8.txt; 17656-0.txt] Observations of an Orderly, by Ward Muir 17655 [Subtitle: Some Glimpses of Life and Work in an English War Hospital] [Link: ] [Files: 17655.txt; 17655-8.txt; 17655-h.htm; ] Les lois sociologiques, by Guillaume De Greef 17538 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17538-8.txt; 17538-h.htm] The Story of Troy, by Michael Clarke 16990 [Link: ] [Files: 16990-0.txt; 16990-h.htm] -=-=-=-=[ 3 NEW EBOOKS AT PROJECT GUTENBERG OF AUSTRALIA ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jan 2006 A Winter Pilgrimage, by H Rider Haggard [] 0530A [ or .zip] Jan 2006 Vocabulary of the Flash Language, by Vaux [] 0529A [Title: A New and Comprehensive Vocabulary of the Flash Language] [Author: James Hardy Vaux] [ or .zip] Jan 2006 A Dictionary of Australian Words And Terms, Lawson[] 0528A [Author: Gilbert H Lawson] [ or .zip] eBooks are posted in uncompressed and/or compressed formats. 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