GWeekly_February_01_part2.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 01 Feb 2006 eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since 1971 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 2 of the Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter: - Obtaining Project Gutenberg eBooks - Updates/corrections to previously posted eBooks - 50 New U.S. eBooks this week - 2 New eBooks at Project Gutenberg of Australia - Last, but not least: insights and other fine stuff - Mailing list information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: HOW TO GET EBOOKS FROM PROJECT GUTENBERG ::. The easiest way to obtain our eBooks is at our search page at which allows searching by title, author or eBook number; there is also an Advanced Search page which allows for additional search criteria (note that our newer postings may not yet be indexed for all additional criteria). And please note: you can now obtain a listing by language at the above link. 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RESERVED/PENDING count: 45 =-=-=-=[ CORRECTIONS, REVISIONS AND NEW FORMATS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= :: During the past week the following ebooks were manually updated and reposted with the indicated filenames and transferred into the corresponding new directories: Repertory Comedie Humaine, L-Z, by Cerfberr and Christophe 2469 [Title: Repertory Of The Comedie Humaine, Part II, L -- Z] [Author: Anatole Cerfberr and Jules Franois Christophe] [Translator: Joseph Walker McSpadden] (See also: #17635) [Updated edition of: etext01/2rthc10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 2469.txt] Repertory Comedie Humaine, A-K, by Cerfberr and Christophe 2468 [Title: Repertory Of The Comedie Humaine, Part I, A -- K] [Author: Anatole Cerfberr and Jules Franois Christophe] [Translator: Joseph Walker McSpadden] (See also: #17635) [Updated edition of: etext01/1rthc10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 2468.txt] :: Please note the following additional changes, corrections, improvements: The following has been reindexed: it was originally posted as a copyrighted file, and is now reposted as public domain: La Falo de Usxero-Domo, by Edgar Poe 17425 [Subtitle: The Fall of the House of Usher] [Translator: Edwin Grobe] [Language: Esperanto] [Link: ] [Files: 17425.txt; 17425-0.txt; 17425-h.htm] The following eBook number was originally only Vol. 1; it now contains both Volume 1 (revised) and Volume 2 (new) in plaintext and XML form: Rousseau, by John Morley 14052 [Subtitle: Volumes I and II] [Link: ] [Files: 14052.txt; 14052-8.txt; 14052-h.htm] -=-=-=-=[ 50 NEW U.S. EBOOKS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Punch, Vol. 159, September 15, 1920, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 17654 [Link: ] [Files: 17654.txt; 17654-8.txt; 17654-h.htm] Punch, Vol. 159, September 22, 1920, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 17653 [Link: ] [Files: 17653.txt; 17653-8.txt; 17653-h.htm] The History of Sir Richard Whittington, by T. H. 17652 [Editor: Henry B. Wheatley] [Link: ] [Files: 17652.txt; 17652-8.txt; 17652-h.htm] Helgelannin sankarit, by Henrik Ibsen 17651 [Subtitle: Nytelm neljss nytksess] [Translator: C. Edv. Trmnen] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 17651-8.txt] The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch, by Petrarch 17650 [Editor: Thomas Campbell] [Link: ] [Files: 17650.txt; 17650-8.txt; 17650-h.htm] The Germ, by Various 17649 [Subtitle: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art] [Commentator: William Michael Rossetti] [Editor: Dante Gabriel Rossetti] [Link: ] [Files: 17649.txt; 17649-8.txt; 17649-h.htm] The Land of Contrasts, by James Fullarton Muirhead 17648 [Subtitle: A Briton's View of His American Kin] [Link: ] [Files: 17648.txt; 17648-8.txt; 17648-h.htm] The Strange Case of Cavendish, by Randall Parrish 17647 [Link: ] [Files: 17647.txt; 17647-8.txt; ] Sixtine, by Remy de Gourmont 17646 [Subtitle: roman de la vie crbrale] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17646-8.txt; 17646-0.txt] Arbor Day Leaves, by N.H. Egleston 17645 [Subtitle: A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information] [Link: ] [Files: 17645.txt; 17645-8.txt; 17645-h.htm] Een abel spel van Esmoreit, by Various 17644 [Subtitle: Sconics sone van Cecilien] [Editor: R. J. Spitz] [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 17644-8.txt; 17644-h.htm] La confession d'un abb, by Louis Ulbach 17643 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17643-8.txt; 17643-0.txt] Romance, by Joseph Conrad and F.M. Hueffer 17642 [Link: ] [Files: 17642.txt; 17642-8.txt; 17642-h.htm] La monadologie (1909), by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 17641 [Subtitle: avec tude et notes de Clodius Piat] [Annotator: Clodius Piat] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17641-8.txt; 17641-0.txt] Les Voyages de Gulliver, by Jonathan Swift 17640 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17640-8.txt; 17640-r.rtf] A Alma Nova, by Guilherme d'Azevedo 17639 [Language: Portuguese] [Link: ] [Files: 17639-8.txt] Hattu, by Alfhild Agrell 17638 [Subtitle: Yksinytksinen huvinytelm] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 17638-8.txt] De Muis, by Wilhelm Busch 17637 [Subtitle: of de gestoorde nachtrust] [Illustrator: P van Geldrop] [Translator: Braga Jr.] [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 17637-8.txt; 17637-h.htm] The Mystery at Putnam Hall, by Arthur M. Winfield 17636 [Subtitle: The School Chums' Strange Discovery] [Link: ] [Files: 17636.txt; 17636-8.txt; 17636-h.htm] Repertory The Comedie Humaine, A -- Z, by Cerfberr and Christophe 17635 [Title: Repertory Of The Comedie Humaine, Complete, A -- Z] [Author: Anatole Cerfberr and Jules Franois Christophe] [Translator: Joseph Walker McSpadden] (See also: #2468 & #2469) [Link: ] [Files: 17635.txt; 17635-h.htm] Punch, Vol. 152, May 30, 1917, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 17634 [Editor: Owen Seaman] [Link: ] [Files: 17634.txt; 17634-8.txt; 17634-h.htm] Saratoga and How to See It, by R. F. Dearborn 17633 [Link: ] [Files: 17633.txt; 17633-8.txt; 17633-h.htm] Compte de L'Oeuvre, by M. L. Merlet 17632 [Title: Compte de L'Oeuvre de la Cathdrale de Chartres en 1415-1416] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17632-8.txt] Histoire d'un baiser, by Albert Cim 17631 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17631-8.txt] Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse, by Eugene Field 17630 [Illustrator: Florence Storer] [Link: ] [Files: 17630.txt; 17630-h.htm] Punch, Vol. 152, June 20, 1917, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 17629 [Editor: Owen Seaman] [Link: ] [Files: 17629.txt; 17629-8.txt; 17629-h.htm] Genoveeva Brabantin kreivitr, by Johann Christoph von Schmid 17628 [Subtitle: Hurskas kertomus suurista krsimyksist ja viattomuuden lopullisesta voitosta] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 17628-8.txt] None Other Gods, by Robert Hugh Benson 17627 [Link: ] [Files: 17627.txt; 17627-8.txt; 17627-h.htm] The Lost Gospel and Its Contents, by Michael F. Sadler 17626 [Subtitle: Or, The Author of "Supernatural Religion" Refuted by Himself] [Link: ] [Files: 17626.txt; 17626-8.txt] Artificial Light, by M. Luckiesh 17625 [Subtitle: Its Influence upon Civilization] [Link: ] [Files: 17625.txt; 17625-8.txt; 17625-h.htm] A Tour in France and Germany, Vol. 3, by Thomas Frognall Dibdin 17624 [Title: A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three] [Link: ] [Files: 17624.txt; 17624-8.txt; 17624-h.htm] Le secret de l'chaufaud (1888), by Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam 17623 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 17623-8.txt; 17623-0.txt; 17623-h.htm] Knulp, by Hermann Hesse 17622 [Subtitle: Drei Geschichten aus dem Leben Knulps] [Language: German] [Link: ] [Files: 17622-8.txt; 17622-0.txt; 17622-h.htm] One Day More, by Joseph Conrad 17621 [Subtitle: A Play In One Act] [Link: ] [Files: 17621.txt; 17621-h.htm] The Point Of Honor, by Joseph Conrad 17620 [Subtitle: A Military Tale] [Illustrator: Dan Sayre Groesbeck] [Link: ] [Files: 17620.txt; 17620-8.txt; 17620-h.htm] A Jongleur Strayed, by Richard Le Gallienne 17619 [Subtitle: Verses on Love and Other Matters Sacred and Profane] [Link: ] [Files: 17619.txt; 17619-8.txt; ] Jethou, by E. R. Suffling 17618 [Subtitle: or Crusoe Life in the Channel Isles] [Link: ] [Files: 17618.txt; 17618-8.txt; 17618-h.htm; ] David Harum, by Edward Noyes Westcott 17617 [Subtitle: A Story of American Life] [Link: ] [Files: 17617.txt; 17617-8.txt; 17617-h.htm; ] Little Sky-High, by Hezekiah Butterworth 17616 [Subtitle: The Surprising Doings of Washee-Washee-Wang] [Link: ] [Files: 17616.txt; 17616-8.txt; 17616-h.htm; ] In Search of the Okapi, by Ernest Glanville 17615 [Subtitle: A Story of Adventure in Central Africa] [Ernest Glanville (1855-1925)] [Link: ] [Files: 17615.txt; ] Bob Hampton of Placer, by Randall Parrish 17614 [Illus.: Arthur I. Keller] [Link: ] [Files: 17614.txt; 17614-8.txt; 17614-h.htm; ] The Land of the Black Mountain, by Reginald Wyon and Gerald Prance 17613 [Subtitle: The Adventures of Two Englishmen in Montenegro] [Link: ] [Files: 17613.txt; 17613-8.txt; 17613-0.txt; 17613-h.htm] Handbook to the Severn Valley Railway, by J. Randall 17612 [Subtitle: Illustrative and Descriptive of Places along the Line from Worcester to Shrewsbury] [Link: ] [Files: 17612.txt; 17612-h.htm] Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars), by Thomas Aquinas 17611 [Subtitle: From the Complete American Edition] [Translator: Fathers of the English Dominican Province] [Link: ] [Files: 17611.txt] Livro de Mguas, by Florbela Espanca 17610 [Language: Portuguese] [Link: ] [Files: 17610-8.txt] Our Deportment, by John H. Young 17609 [Subtitle: Or the Manners, Conduct and Dress of the Most Refined Society] [Link: ] [Files: 17609.txt; 17609-8.txt; 17609-h.htm; ] An Introduction to the Study of Browning, by Arthur Symons 17608 [Link: ] [Files: 17608.txt; 17608-8.txt; 17608-h.htm; ] Superstition In All Ages (1732), by Jean Meslier 17607 [Subtitle: Common Sense] [Commentator: Voltaire ("Life of Jean Meslier")] [Translator: Anna Knoop] [Link: ] [Files: 17607.txt; 17607-8.txt; 17607-h.htm] Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien - 2. Band, by Gerhard Rohlfs 17600 [Language: German] [Link: ] [Files: 17600-8.txt; 17600-h.htm] Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien - 1. Band, by Gerhard Rohlfs 17599 [Language: German] [Link: ] [Files: 17599-8.txt; 17599-h.htm] -=-=-=-=[ 2 NEW EBOOKS AT PROJECT GUTENBERG OF AUSTRALIA ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jan 2006 The Killer and the Slain, by Hugh Walpole [] 0527A [ or .zip] [and ] Jan 2006 Shorter Poems, by W J Alexander (Editor) [] 0526A [ ] eBooks are posted in uncompressed and/or compressed formats. To access these ebooks, go to For more information about Project Gutenberg of Australia, including accessing those etexts from outside of Australia, please visit: --Project Gutenberg of Australia-- --A treasure trove of Literature-- *treasure-trove n. treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership For more information about copyright restrictions in other countries, please visit: =============================================================================