15,000th Project Gutenberg eBook Released
Congratulations to the Project Gutenberg Volunteers!!! In the last hour Project Gutenberg released their 15,000th eBook. More details will be available in Wednesday's email Newsletters. This far exceeds Moore's Law projections from 10 eBooks in 1990, which would predict 15,000 around August, 2006, and which every pundit has continually said was an impossible growth rate: Projected Growth Rate Total Date Doubled Years 10 Dec, 1990 0 0 20 Jun, 1992 1 1.5 40 Dec, 1993 2 3 80 Jun, 1995 3 4.5 160 Dec, 1996 4 6 320 Jun, 1998 5 7.5 640 Dec, 1999 6 9 1280 Jun, 2001 7 10.5 2560 Dec, 2002 8 12 5120 Jun, 2004 9 13.5 10240 Dec, 2005 10 15 15000 Aug, 2006 10.5 15+ <<< Predicted Date for ~15,000 20480 Jun, 2007 11 16.5 Our many thanks to all the thousands of Gutenberg volunteers!!! Michael S. Hart
participants (1)
Michael Hart