Pt2 Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter
GWeekly_August_31_part2.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 31 Aug 2005 eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since 1971 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 2 of the Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter: - Obtaining Project Gutenberg eBooks - Updates/corrections to previously posted eBooks - 41 New U.S. eBooks this week - 2 New eBooks at Project Gutenberg of Australia - Last, but not least: insights and other fine stuff - Mailing list information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: HOW TO GET EBOOKS FROM PROJECT GUTENBERG ::. The easiest way to obtain our eBooks is at our search page at which allows searching by title, author or eBook number; there is also an Advanced Search page which allows for additional search criteria (note that our newer postings may not yet be indexed for all additional criteria). And please note: you can now obtain a listing by language at the above link. 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These re-postings are noted in the "corrections" listings below. More information can be found in the file GUTINDEX.ALL mentioned above. * * * Please see Part 1 of this week's newsletter for more information about Project Gutenberg. And if you haven't done so lately, please visit the website at to see what's new. * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Note: this listing best viewed with a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or similar. To report an error in the listings below, please write to and include the word CORRECTION in the subject line. ========================================================================= [ Here Are The Updated Listings For This Past Week ] ========================================================================= TOTAL COUNT as of today, Wed, 31 Aug 2005: 17063 (incl. 478 Aus.). Last week the Total Count was 17020, including 478 at PG of Australia. This week we added 43 new. RESERVED/PENDING count: 43 =-=-=-=[ CORRECTIONS, REVISIONS AND NEW FORMATS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= :: During the past week the following ebooks were manually updated and reposted with the indicated filenames and transferred into the corresponding new directories: A Second Home, by Honore de Balzac 1810 [Translator: Clara Bell] [Updated edition of: etext99/2ndhm10.txt] [Link: ] [Files: 1810.txt] Scenes From a Courtesan's Life, by Honore de Balzac 1660 [Link: ] [Files: 1660.txt] :: Please note the following additional changes, corrections, improvements: Corrected and improved etext; also formatted to be in conformity with the other eBooks in this series: Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (2 of 8), by Holinshed 13624 [Full Author: Raphael Holinshed] [Link: ] [Files: 13624-8.txt; 13624-h.htm] -=-=-=-=[ 41 NEW U.S. EBOOKS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Punch, Vol. 159, August 4th, 1920, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 16628 [Link: ] [Files: 16628.txt; 16628-8.txt; 16628-h.htm] Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and Wisdom, by Swedenborg 16627 [Title: Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom] [Author: Emanuel Swedenborg] [Translator: John Ager] [Link: ] [Files: 16627.txt] Letters to Helen, by Keith Henderson 16626 [Subtitle: Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front] [Illustrator: Keith Henderson] [Link: ] [Files: 16626.txt; 16626-8.txt; 16626-h.htm] Clsicos Castellanos: Libro de Buen Amor, by Juan Ruiz 16625 [Editor: Julio Cejador y Frauca] [Language: Spanish] [Link: ] [Files: 16625-8.txt; 16625-h.htm] No and Yes, by Mary Baker Eddy 16624 [Link: ] [Files: 16624.txt; 16624-h.htm; ] Letters of a Woman Homesteader, by Elinore Pruitt Stewart 16623 [Link: ] [Files: 16623.txt; 16623-8.txt; 16623-h.htm] Literary Hearthstones of Dixie, by La Salle Corbell Pickett 16622 [Link: ] [Files: 16622.txt; 16622-8.txt; 16622-h.htm] Orjien vapauttaminen Pohjois-Amerikassa, by Alexandra Gripenberg 16621 [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 16621-8.txt] Ojennusnuora, by Epictetus 16620 [Translator: K. Jaakkola] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 16620-8.txt; 16620-0.txt] Punch, Vol. 159, July 28th, 1920, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 16619 [Link: ] [Files: 16619.txt; 16619-8.txt; 16619-h.htm] Antonius ja Cleopatra, by William Shakespeare 16618 [Translator: Paavo Cajander] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 16618-8.txt] Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (7 of 8), Raphael Holinshed 16617 [Subtitle: The Seventh Boke of the Historie of England] [Link: ] [Files: 16617.txt; 16617-8.txt; 16617-h.htm] The Nuts of Knowledge, by George William Russell 16616 [Subtitle: Lyrical Poems New and Old] [Link: ] [Files: 16616.txt; 16616-h.htm] By Still Waters, by George William Russell 16615 [Subtitle: Lyrical Poems Old and New] [Link: ] [Files: 16615.txt; 16615-8.txt; 16615-h.htm] Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays, by J. (John) Joly 16614 [Link: ] [Files: 16614.txt; 16614-8.txt; 16614-h.htm] Bolshevism, by John Spargo 16613 [Subtitle: The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy] [Link: ] [Files: 16613.txt; 16613-8.txt; 16613-h.htm; ] The Lee Shore, by Rose Macaulay 16612 [Link: ] [Files: 16612.txt; 16612-8.txt; 16612-h.htm; ] Anson's Voyage Round the World, by Richard Walter 16611 [Subtitle: The Text Reduced] [Commentator: H. W. Household] [Link: ] [Files: 16611.txt; 16611-h.htm] Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8), Raphael Holinshed 16610 [Subtitle: The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England] [Link: ] [Files: 16610.txt; 16610-8.txt; 16610-h.htm] Life of Lord Byron, With His Letters And Journals, Vol. 5, ed. by Moore 16609 [Author: (Lord Byron) George Gordon Byron] [Editor: Thomas Moore] [Link: ] [Files: 16609.txt; 16609-8.txt; 16609-0.txt; 16609-h.htm] Bruvver Jim's Baby, by Philip Verrill Mighels 16608 [Link: ] [Files: 16608.txt; 16608-8.txt] Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 337, November 1843, Vol. 54 16607 [Link: ] [Files: 16607.txt; 16607-8.txt; 16607-h.htm] Elizabeth Fry, by Mrs. E. R. Pitman 16606 [Link: ] [Files: 16606.txt; 16606-8.txt; 16606-h.htm] The Ladies' Work-Book, by Unknown 16605 [Subtitle: Containing Instructions In Knitting, Crochet, Point-Lace, etc.] [Link: ] [Files: 16605.txt; 16605-8.txt; 16605-h.htm] Poison Island, by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (Q) 16604 [Link: ] [Files: 16604.txt; 16604-h.htm] Ladysmith, by H. W. Nevinson 16603 [Subtitle: The Diary of a Siege] [Link: ] [Files: 16603.txt; 16603-8.txt; 16603-h.htm] Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence, by Mahan 16602 [Title: The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American] Independence] [Author: A. T. Mahan] [Link: ] [Files: 16602.txt; 16602-8.txt; 16602-h.htm] The Death-Wake, by Thomas T Stoddart 16601 [Subtitle: or Lunacy; a Necromaunt in Three Chimeras] [Introduction: Andrew Lang] [Link: ] [Files: 16601.txt; 16601-8.txt; 16601-h.htm] Cecil Rhodes, by Princess Catherine Radziwill 16600 [Subtitle: Man and Empire-Maker] [Author AKA: Catherine Kolb-Danvin] [Link: ] [Files: 16600.txt; 16600-8.txt; 16600-h.htm; ] School, Church, and Home Games, by George O. Draper 16599 [Link: ] [Files: 16599.txt; 16599-8.txt; 16599-h.htm; ] History of the American Negro in the Great World War, by Sweeney 16598 [Subtitle: His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, the Spanish-American War, and the Late Imbroglio With Mexico] [Author: W. Allison Sweeney] [Link: ] [Files: 16598.txt; 16598-h.htm] Square Deal Sanderson, by Charles Alden Seltzer 16597 [Illus.: J. Allen St. John] [Link: ] [Files: 16597.txt; 16597-8.txt; 16597-h.htm; ] Ungava Bob, by Dillon Wallace 16596 [Subtitle: A Winter's Tale] [Illus.: Samuel M. Palmer] [Link: ] [Files: 16596.txt; 16596-8.txt; 16596-h.htm; ] Charles Dickens and Music, by James T. Lightwood 16595 [Link: ] [Files: 16595.txt; 16595-8.txt; 16595-h.htm] A Short History of English Agriculture, by W. H. R. Curtler 16594 [Link: ] [Files: 16594.txt; 16594-8.txt; 16594-h.htm] General Science, by Bertha M. Clark 16593 [Link: ] [Files: 16593.txt; 16593-8.txt; 16593-h.htm] Punch, Vol. 159, July 14th, 1920, ed. by Sir Owen Seaman 16592 [Link: ] [Files: 16592.txt; 16592-8.txt; 16592-h.htm] Unity of Good, by Mary Baker Eddy 16591 [Link: ] [Files: 16591.txt; 16591-h.htm] De Zaan en Waterland: Een kijkje in Noord Holland, by Anonymous 16590 [Subtitle: De Aarde en haar Volken, Jaargang 1887] [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 16590-8.txt; 16590-h.htm] The Killer, by Stewart Edward White 16589 [Link: ] [Files: 16589.txt; 16589-8.txt; 16589-h.htm] Over the Top With the Third Australian Division, by G. P. Cuttriss 16588 [Illustrator: Neil McBeath] [Introduction: John Monash] [Link: ] [Files: 16588.txt; 16588-8.txt; 16588-h.htm] -=-=-=-=[ 2 NEW EBOOKS AT PROJECT GUTENBERG OF AUSTRALIA ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aug 2005 Only Yesterday, by Frederick Lewis Allen [] 0478A [Full Title: Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920's] Aug 2005 The Letters of Evelyn Underhill, by E Underhill [] 0477A [Author: Evelyn Underhill] eBooks are posted in uncompressed and/or compressed formats. To access these ebooks, go to For more information about Project Gutenberg of Australia, including accessing those etexts from outside of Australia, please visit: --Project Gutenberg of Australia-- --A treasure trove of Literature-- *treasure-trove n. treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership For more information about copyright restrictions in other countries, please visit: =============================================================================
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