Pt2 Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter
GWeekly_March_10_part2.txt The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 10 Mar 2005 eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since 1971 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 2 of the Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter: - Obtaining Project Gutenberg eBooks - Updates/corrections to previously posted eBooks - 67 New U.S. eBooks this week - 1 New eBooks at Project Gutenberg of Australia - Last, but not least: insights and other fine stuff - Mailing list information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:: HOW TO GET EBOOKS FROM PROJECT GUTENBERG ::. The easiest way to obtain our eBooks is at our search page at which allows searching by title, author or eBook number; there is also an Advanced Search page which allows for additional search criteria (note that our newer postings may not yet be indexed for all additional criteria). And please note: you can now obtain a listing by language at the above link. 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These re-postings are noted in the "corrections" listings below. More information can be found in the file GUTINDEX.ALL mentioned above. * * * Please see Part 1 of this week's newsletter for more information about Project Gutenberg. And if you haven't done so lately, please visit the website at to see what's new. * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Note: this listing best viewed with a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or similar. To report an error in the listings below, please write to and include the word CORRECTION in the subject line. ========================================================================= [ Here Are The Updated Listings For This Past Week ] ========================================================================= TOTAL COUNT as of today, Thu, 10 Mar 2005: 15680 (incl. 424 Aus.). Last week the Total Count was 15612, including 423 at PG of Australia. This week we added 68 new. RESERVED/PENDING count: 43 =-=-=-=[ CORRECTIONS, REVISIONS AND NEW FORMATS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:: During the past week the following ebooks were manually updated and reposted with the indicated filenames and transferred into the corresponding new directories: .:: Please note the following additional changes, corrections, improvements: An html file has been added. A New Conscience And An Ancient Evil, by Jane Addams 15221 [Link: ] [Files: 15221-h.htm] RTF file has been provided. Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert 14155 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14155-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales,Francois de La Rochefoucauld 14913 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14913-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Le myst�re de la chambre jaune, by Gaston Leroux 13765 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 13765-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Tarass Boulba, by Nikola� Vassilievitch Gogol 13794 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 13794-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Les compagnons de J�hu, by Alexandre Dumas 13819 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 13819-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Dictionnaire des id�es re�ues, by Gustave Flaubert 14156 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14156-r.rtf] Bouvard et P�cuchet, by Gustave Flaubert 14157 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14157-r.rtf] Iliade, by Hom�re 14285 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14285-r.rtf] L'Odyss�e, by Hom�re 14286 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14286-r.rtf] Mademoiselle de Maupin, by Th�ophile Gautier 14288 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14288-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Le loup blanc, by Paul H.C. F�val 14702 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14702-r.rtf] RTF file has been provided. Les troph�es, by Jos�-Maria de Heredia 14805 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 14805-r.rtf] -=-=-=-=[ 67 NEW U.S. EBOOKS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Drake, Nelson and Napoleon, by Walter Runciman 15299 [Author AKA: Sir Walter Runciman, Bart. (1847-1937)] [Link: ] [Files: 15299.txt; 15299-8.txt; 15299-h.htm; ] Poet Lore, Volume XXIV, Number IV, 1912, by Various 15298 [Subtitle: Sword and Crozier, by Indridi Einarsson] [Link: ] [Files: 15298.txt; 15298-8.txt; ] Le voleur, by Georges Darien 15297 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15297-8.txt; 15297-r.rtf] Le juif errant - Tome II, by Eugene Sue 15296 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15296-8.txt; 15296-r.rtf] Le juif errant - Tome I, by Eugene Sue 15295 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15295-8.txt; 15295-r.rtf] Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches, by Sarah Orne Jewett 15294 [Link: ] [Files: 15294.txt; 15294-8.txt; 15294-h.htm] Influences of Geographic Environment, by Ellen Churchill Semple 15293 [Subtitle: On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography] [Link: ] [Files: 15293.txt; 15293-8.txt; 15293-h.htm] Katri Holm, by Mathilda Roos 15292 [Subtitle: Kertomus �ideille] [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 15292-8.txt] Gildet Pa Solhaug, by Henrik Ibsen 15291 [Language: Norwegian] [Link: ] [Files: 15291-8.txt; 15291-h.htm] Why the Chimes Rang: A Play in One Act, by Elizabeth Apthorp McFadden 15290 [Link: ] [Files: 15290.txt; 15290-8.txt; 15290-h.htm] The Truce of God, by George Henry Miles 15289 [Subtitle: A Tale of the Eleventh Century] [Link: ] [Files: 15289.txt; 15289-8.txt] Sodome et Gomorrhe--Volume 1, by Marcel Proust 15288 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15288-8.txt; 15288-h.htm] Teverino, by George Sand 15287 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15287-8.txt; 15287-h.htm] Reflexions sur le sort des Noirs dans nos colonies,by Daniel Lescallier 15286 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15286-8.txt; 15286-h.htm] The Hosts of the Air, by Joseph A. Altsheler 15285 [Author AKA: Joseph Alexander Altsheler (1862-1919)] [Subtitle: The Story of a Quest in the Great War] [Ill.: Charles Wrenn] [Link: ] [Files: 15285.txt; 15285-8.txt; 15285-h.htm; ] The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse, by Beatrix Potter 15284 [Link: ] [Files: 15284.txt; 15284-h.htm; ] Disease and Its Causes, by William Thomas Councilman 15283 [Link: ] [Files: 15283.txt; 15283-8.txt; 15283-h.htm; ] Uncle Wiggily's Travels, by Howard R. Garis 15282 [Ill.: Louis Wisa] [Link: ] [Files: 15282.txt; 15282-h.htm; ] Uncle Wiggily's Adventures, by Howard R. Garis 15281 [Illustrator: Louis Wisa] [Link: ] [Files: 15281.txt; 15281-h.htm] Lulu, Alice and Jimmie Wibblewobble, by Howard R. Garis 15280 [Ill.: Louis Wisa] [Link: ] [Files: 15280.txt; 15280-h.htm; ] A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal, by Thomas Paine 15279 [Full title: A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal, on the Affairs of] [ North America, in Which the Mistakes in the Abbe's Account] [ of the Revolution of America Are Corrected and Cleared Up] [Link: ] [Files: 15279.txt; 15279-8.txt; 15279-h.htm] The Ramrodders, by Holman Day 15278 [Subtitle: A Novel] [Link: ] [Files: 15278.txt; 15278-8.txt] The Open Secret of Ireland, by T. M. Kettle 15277 [Link: ] [Files: 15277.txt; 15277-8.txt; 15277-h.htm] Bears I Have Met--and Others, by Allen Kelly 15276 [Link: ] [Files: 15276.txt; 15276-h.htm; ] Bessie's Fortune, by Mary J. Holmes 15275 [Subtitle: A Novel] [Link: ] [Files: 15275.txt; 15275-8.txt; 15275-h.htm] The Girl from Montana, by Grace Livingston Hill 15274 [Link: ] [Files: 15274.txt; 15274-8.txt; 15274-h.htm; ] Gedichten, by Frans Bastiaanse 15273 [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 15273-8.txt; 15273-h.htm] Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I, by Edmund Spenser 15272 [Editor: George Armstrong Wauchope] [Author: Introduction and annotation by George Armstrong Wauchope] [Link: ] [Files: 15272.txt; 15272-8.txt; 15272-h.htm; ] Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2), by John Roby 15271 [Link: ] [Files: 15271.txt; 15271-8.txt; 15271-h.htm; ] The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Vol. 1, No. 7, July, 15270 [Title: The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Vol. 1, No.] [7, July, 1895] [Author: Various] [Subtitle: Italian Wrought Iron] [Link: ] [Files: 15270.txt; 15270-8.txt; 15270-h.htm; ] The Empire of Russia, by John S. C. Abbott 15269 [Subtitle: From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time] [Link: ] [Files: 15269.txt; 15269-8.txt; 15269-h.htm; ] John Stuart Mill; His Life and Works, by Authors 15268 [Author: Herbert Spencer, Henry Fawcett, Frederic Harrison and Other] [Distinguished Authors] [Subtitle: Twelve Sketches] [Link: ] [Files: 15268.txt; 15268-8.txt; 15268-h.htm; ] Sechs Vortr�ge �ber ausgew�hlte Gegenst�nde, by Henri Poincar� 15267 [Full Title: Sechs Vortr�ge �ber ausgew�hlte Gegenst�nde aus der ] [ reinen Mathematik und mathematischen Physik] [Language: German and French] [Link: ] [Files: 15267.tex; 15267-pdf.pdf] What Peace Means, by Henry van Dyke 15266 [Link: ] [Files: 15266.txt; 15266-8.txt; 15266-h.htm; ] The Quest of the Silver Fleece, by W. E. B. Du Bois 15265 [Subtitle: A Novel] [Link: ] [Files: 15265.txt; 15265-8.txt; 15265-h.htm] Totta ja leikkia, by Aino Malmberg 15264 [Language: Finnish] [Link: ] [Files: 15264-8.txt] The Underground Railroad, by William Still 15263 [Subtitle: A Record Of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &C.,] [Narrating The Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes And Death Struggles] [Of The Slaves In Their Efforts For Freedom, As Related By Themselves] [And Others, Or Witnessed By The Author] [Link: ] [Files: 15263.txt; 15263-8.txt; 15263-h.htm] Christianity and Islam in Spain (756-1031), by Charles Reginald Haines 15262 [Link: ] [Files: 15262.txt; 15262-8.txt; 15262-h.htm] A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume II (of 3), by Thomas Clarkson 15261 [Subtitle: Taken from a View of the Education and Discipline, Social] [Manners, Civil and Political Economy, Religious Principles and Character,] [of the Society of Friends] [Link: ] [Files: 15261.txt; 15261-8.txt; ] A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume I (of 3), by Thomas Clarkson 15260 [Subtitle: Taken from a View of the Education and Discipline, Social] [Manners, Civil and Political Economy, Religious Principles and Character,] [of the Society of Friends] [Link: ] [Files: 15260.txt; 15260-8.txt; ] Pearl of Pearl Island, by John Oxenham 15259 [Link: ] [Files: 15259.txt; 15259-8.txt; 15259-h.htm] Cecilia de Noel, by Lanoe Falconer 15258 [Link: ] [Files: 15258.txt; 15258-8.txt; 15258-h.htm] The Curious Case of Lady Purbeck, by Thomas Longueville 15257 [Subtitle: A Scandal of the XVIIth Century] [Link: ] [Files: 15257.txt; 15257-8.txt; 15257-h.htm] The Young Seigneur, by Wilfrid Chateauclair 15256 [Subtitle: Or, Nation-Making] [Author AKA: William Douw Lighthall] [Link: ] [Files: 15256.txt; 15256-8.txt] Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol I. (of 3), by Charles Eliot 15255 [Subtitle: An Historical Sketch] [Link: ] [Files: 15255.txt; 15255-8.txt; 15255-0.txt; 15255-h.htm] Maxims Of His Grace The Duke Of Wellington, by Wellington 15254 [Full title: Maxims And Opinions Of Field-Marshal His Grace] [The Duke Of Wellington, Selected From His Writings And Speeches] [During A Public Life Of More Than Half A Century] [Full author: Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington] [Biographical Memoir By George Henry Francis] [Link: ] [Files: 15254.txt; 15254-8.txt] Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century, T.H. (Thomas Henry) Huxley 15253 [Link: ] [Files: 15253.txt; 15253-8.txt; 15253-h.htm] Victorian Short Stories, Vol. 2, by Elizabeth Gaskell, et al. 15252 [Subtitle: Stories Of Successful Marriages] [Contents:] [The Manchester Marriage by Elizabeth Gaskell] [A Mere Interlude by Thomas Hardy] [A Faithful Heart by George Moore] [The Solid Gold Reef Company, Limited by Walter Besant] [The Tree Of Knowledge by Henry James] [Link: ] [Files: 15252.txt; 15252-8.txt] The Biography of Robert Murray M'Cheyne, by Andrew A. Bonar 15251 [Link: ] [Files: 15251.txt; 15251-8.txt; 15251-h.htm] Myths and Legends of China, by E. T. C. Werner 15250 [Link: ] [Files: 15250.txt; 15250-8.txt; 15250-h.htm] Outspoken Essays, by William Ralph Inge 15249 [Link: ] [Files: 15249.txt; 15249-8.txt; 15249-h.htm] Success (Second Edition), by Max Aitken Beaverbrook 15248 [Link: ] [Files: 15248.txt; 15248-8.txt; 15248-h.htm] John Henry Smith, by Frederick Upham Adams 15247 [Subtitle: A Humorous Romance of Outdoor Life] [Illustrator: A. B. Frost] [Link: ] [Files: 15247.txt; 15247-8.txt] The Tragedy of St. Helena, by Walter Runciman 15246 [Link: ] [Files: 15246.txt; 15246-8.txt; 15246-h.htm] Twenty-Seven Years in Canada West, by Samuel Strickland 15245 [Subtitle: The Experience of an Early Settler (Volume I)] [Link: ] [Files: 15245.txt] Lewie, by Cousin Cicely 15244 [Subtitle: Or, The Bended Twig] [AKA Sarah Hopkins Bradford (b. 1818)] [Link: ] [Files: 15244.txt; 15244-8.txt] Over Paradise Ridge, by Maria Thompson Daviess 15243 [Subtitle: A Romance] [Link: ] [Files: 15243.txt; 15243-h.htm] Desert Love, by Joan Conquest 15242 [Link: ] [Files: 15242.txt; 15242-8.txt] All About Johnnie Jones, by Carolyn Verhoeff 15241 [Link: ] [Files: 15241.txt; 15241-h.htm] A Journal of a Tour in the Congo Free State, by Marcus Dorman 15240 [Link: ] [Files: 15240.txt; 15240-8.txt; 15240-h.htm; ] Spiridion, by George Sand 15239 [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15239-8.txt; 15239-h.htm] Mathilda, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 15238 [Editor: Elizabeth Nitchie] [Link: ] [Files: 15238.txt; 15238-8.txt; 15238-h.htm] The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition, by A. W. Duncan 15237 [Link: ] [Files: 15237.txt; 15237-8.txt; 15237-h.htm; ] Oude Egyptische Legenden, by M. A. Murray 15236 [Language: Dutch] [Link: ] [Files: 15236-8.txt; 15236-h.htm] Oeuvres illustrees de George Sand, by George Sand 15235 [Subtitle: Les visions de la nuit dans les campagnes - La vall�e noire - ] [ ne visite aux catacombes] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 15235-8.txt; 15235-h.htm] The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan, by Beatrix Potter 15234 [Link: ] [Files: 15234.txt; 15234-h.htm] The Death of Lord Nelson, by William Beatty 15233 [Subtitle: With the Circumstances Preceding, Attending, and Subsequent] [to, That Event; The Professional Report on His Lordship's Wound, and] [Several Interesting Anecdotes] [Link: ] [Files: 15233.txt; 15233-8.txt; 15233-h.htm; ] -=-=-=-=[ 1 NEW EBOOKS AT PROJECT GUTENBERG OF AUSTRALIA ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Feb 2005 "C.I.D.", by Talbot Mundy [] 0423A [ or .zip ] eBooks are posted in uncompressed and/or compressed formats. To access these ebooks, go to For more information about Project Gutenberg of Australia, including accessing those etexts from outside of Australia, please visit: --Project Gutenberg of Australia-- --A treasure trove of Literature-- *treasure-trove n. treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership For more information about copyright restrictions in other countries, please visit: ============================================================================= [ This Week's Other Stuff ] ============================================================================= Well, welcome to the new editor of Part II--Brett Fishburne. As things stand now, I don't hold a candle to the former editor, George, but I'm hoping to improve over time, please bear with me. ~ ~ ~ Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. - Mark Twain ============================================================================= _______________________________________________ gweekly mailing list
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