On 4/25/05, Russell McOrmond <russell@flora.ca> wrote:
Do you know if all the applications you would be wanting run under PHP safe mode? Some applications are picky about this, but most are not. The other question is whether you would need shell access, or whether FTP access (chroot'd) would be sufficient.
It seems like safe mode should be okay for PmWiki (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PmWikiFeatures); however, some folks say they've had to do a manual chmod to allow for new file creation (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/FilePermissions). There may be other issues - we'll see how it goes. Regarding the CMS, if other sites that you host use Drupal, then I imagine we'll be fine. FTP access will be fine - I don't forsee an immediate need for shell access.
Drupal (and probably most CMSs) will require some "special" MySQL permissions - like the ability for users to do a LOCK TABLE.
Interesting. I don't restrict things that way for our MySQL accounts.
Yeah, the Drupal community's take on the restriction is that it's dumb security via a sledgehammer rather than smart security via a tuning fork. jen.