Maclean's current edition (thick one, with university rankings) has a blurb in it about the CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) and their efforts to digitize books for blind, visually impaired, and other disabled readers. The blurb, or at least part of it, is online at: content=20041115_92047_92047 I seem to recall, in doing research on AMICUS (the National Library catalogue), that a large number of the most recent editions of old works -- in some cases, the first new edition in 50 or 60 or more years -- is either a Project Gutenberg edition which has been accessioned and catalogued by a library, or an edition produced by the CNIB or a commercial company specializing in large-print/talking- book/braille editions. I'm not sure, but some large-print editions may even be "typeset" by PG.