On Sun, 24 Apr 2005, Jen Zed wrote:
She shoots...she scores. :)
We need PHP and MySQL; probably 10 GB of space would get us going - although, if we make page scans available (which I think we should), the storage requirements will increase a lot. (I'd be willing to kick in the cost of a drive to help subsidize this when the time comes.)
If you go to http://newdelhi.flora.ca/ you will see a list of the virtual servers (Apache style) that you would be sharing that server with. You will see many other LAMP sites including Drupal sites. Do you know if all the applications you would be wanting run under PHP safe mode? Some applications are picky about this, but most are not. The other question is whether you would need shell access, or whether FTP access (chroot'd) would be sufficient. On that server I'm not using any of the OS vitalization techniques (such as User Mode Linux), only Apache virtual servers for web. This means I rely on FTP's chroot() and php safe mode to keep each virtual server from playing with each other's files. If you need SSH and other type of access then we need to put you on a different server under UML. With the election coming up soon this would become a bad time to try to set this up as I'm focusing on other server upgrades/configuration at the moment.
Drupal (and probably most CMSs) will require some "special" MySQL permissions - like the ability for users to do a LOCK TABLE. (The main reason I've hit the wall with my personal retail web space provider - and therefore don't know if Drupal will work for us - is that they won't allow this permission to be granted to users.)
Interesting. I don't restrict things that way for our MySQL accounts. We set up a unique user/password and create a database where that userID has full permissions (including GRANT) on that database. If you also want an account with less permissions that can be done as well, but I never saw the need for not giving a full-privileged MySQL account.
I completely understand your reservations regarding bandwidth. I suspect and hope, though, that when (if) our bandwidth demands get too big, it'll mean we're big enough to get sponsors.
Agreed. It can also grow in stages depending on what is required. -- Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/> Boycott legacy Motion Picture and Recording Industries from April 24-30 http://www.digital-copyright.ca/node/view/786