On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Wallace J.McLean wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: Carlo Traverso <traverso@dm.unipi.it>
You might consider to cooperate with PG-EUROPA, that is located in Serbia, under life+50 rules. They plan starting in a few days. Contact Zoran Stefanovic <zstefanovic@rastko.net>
Carlo, a big grazie for the heads-up on the Serbian effort.
Zoran, would you be interested in at least lurking on the pgcanada list, or otherwise keeping me (or us) up to speed as to what you are doing in those last remaining islands[A] of life+50 in Europe? Hvala!
I talked with Zoran about this earlier this week and he is very interested.
[Footnote A: Actually, I've been doing some interesting research on the breakdown, which countries are life+70 or more, which are life+50 or less. The life+70 club is actually barely 20% of the world's population, and that's counting some countries which have promised, but not yet actually legislated, life+70.
Life+50 is about 55%, and counting India, with its eccentric life+60, and the few countries with shorter terms, 2/3 of the world lives -- and creates -- with less than life+70 years of copyright. The international standard is not, despite what the propogandists will have you believe, life+70.]
I think there are nearly 75 countries doing +50, I can send a list, that is probably outdated already, if you like. Michael