A Correct Account of the Horrible Occurence, by Anonymous 58053 [Subtitle: The Bishop of Clogher ... a Common Soldier!] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/0/5/58053 ] [Files: 58053-0.txt; 58053-h.htm For those wishing to know: if you want to sell of a lot of scandal pamphlets be sure to give them a shocking title with moral disapproval! In 1822 the Bishop of Clogher, Ireland, was observed attempting sex with a soldier in the back room of a public house in London. Both were dragged, semi-naked, through the streets in the subsequent uproar. However, the writer of the pamphlet was much more concerned that the establishment covered up the whole thing, whilst still lecturing on morality. All the best, David, England with blue skies and growing cold