Chuck; It appears we both took this file and posted it: the one I did was 47990, but the interesting thing is that mine has the author as Guerrazzi, which I think is corrrect as I originally had it "Domenico" as that was the way it was in the upload note but then one of the producers told me she had gotten it wrong in the upload note. As you are on dry land and better able to communicate with the producers, and as you posted it first, I will delete the one I did and use that number for my next file. David At 01:26 PM 1/16/2015, you wrote:
Le Capitaine Martin., by Louis Reybaud 47984 [Subtitle: Le Dernier des commis voyageurs. Les Idoles d'argile. Le Capitaine Martin. Les Aventures d'un fifre.] [Language: French] [Link: ] [Files: 47984-8.txt; 47984-h.htm]
Thanks to Rénald Lévesque