The Aristocracy of London: Part I: Kensington, by Anonymous 42385 [Subtitle: Titled, Untitled, Professional, & Commercial] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/4/2/3/8/42385 ] [Files: 42385-0.txt; 42385-h.htm] For those wishing to know: The first in what would have been a very useful series of books to let the good folk of London know who their neighbours are. Kensington in 1863 had many wealthy, titled and well-known professional people, and so the series started there. For example, at Palace Green you have William Makepeace Thackeray, whilst at No. 9 Kensington Gore was the first Marquis of Normanby etc. There's a short biog. of each person too. Sadly this turned out to be the only book published, presumably the firm aborting the project. All the best, David Very cold England