The Sabbath, by John Martindale Farrar 62204 [Subtitle: a sermon preached in Holy Trinity Church, Hurdsfield, on Sunday Evening, January 30, 1853] [Link: ] [Files: 62204-0.txt; 62204-h.htm] For those wishing to know: when the Government was minded to open the Crystal Palace (1853) to the public on Sunday afternoons there was a large outcry from the religious groups and many pamphlets, books etc. written. However, it was also denounced in sermons across the country, of which this is one, from Hurdsfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Unlike many of the pamphlets this was "preaching to the converted" and Farrar uses the Bible a lot more than the others. All the best, David England, still windy with thick clouds, but also sunny