A letter to the Rev. Charles N. Wodehouse 63727 [Title: A letter to the Rev. Charles N. Wodehouse, Canon of Norwich, occasioned by his recent publication, entitled, "What is the meaning of Subscription?"] [Author: Charles Campbell] [Subtitle: with a few observations on the speech &c. of the Lord Bishop of Norwich, on Subscription] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/3/7/2/63727 ] [Files: 63727-0.txt; 63727-h.htm] For those wishing to know: this is a part-way through pamphlet in a religious controversy in Norfolk, England, in the 1840's. Rev. Wodehouse thought that Church of England clergy didn't actually believe the things they public affirmed when they were ordained (i.e. subscribing to the Church of England doctrine). Obviously a lot of clergy didn't like being so characterised and this one of the early responses. All the best, David, Sunny England