19 Mar
19 Mar
8:52 p.m.
This one doesn't seem to have reposted correctly. On gutenberg.org, the mpeg file isn't where the cover page at http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/2/5/256/256-h/256-h.htm says it is, and it's not in the zip file either. Can this be fixed? (It looks like the zip in the old/ subdirectory still contains the MPEG file.) Thanks, John On 03/18/2012 02:29 PM, Al Haines wrote:
Motion Picture of Rotating Earth, by United States 256 [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/2/5/256 ] [Files: 256.txt; 256-h.htm]
This file has been updated with the new header, removed from its old address in etext95, and filed under the new directory system.
Regards, Al