Extracts from "Sikes on Parochial Communion", by Thomas Sikes 62228 [Subtitle: relating to Episcopacy, and the sin of Schism] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/2/2/2/62228 ] [Files: 62228-0.txt; 62228-h.htm] For those wishing to know: having released an eBook by Sikes a few numbers back, I felt that I had been a bit hard on him, and the book didn't really represent his views or paint him in a good light. I've therefore transcribed this one which was published in Oxford many years after Sikes's death, by some high-church clergyman who was no doubt seeking to ingraciate himself to Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, then the high-church Bishop of Oxford. Unfortunately it just confirms my original impression. Sikes does, however, seem to have been an inspirer of the Oxford Tractarians and the pamphlet is very much their views. All the best, David Sunny England with blue skies