Christianity in relation to Freethought, Scepticism, and Faith ... 64503 [Author: Charles Bradlaugh] [Author: William Connor Magee] [Subtitle: Three discourses by the Bishop of Peterborough with special replies by Mr. C. Bradlaugh] [Link: ] [Files: 64503-0.txt; 64503-h.htm] For those wishing to know: In 1871 Norwich Cathedral invited the Bishop of Peterborough and give some talks on scepticism and faith. At the same time the well-known sceptic, Charles Bradlaugh ended up giving three lectures in reply. This booklet is the result. For the first two talks the Bishop sought to portray sceptics as demanding the impossible, in the last he stated Christianity to be the true religion etc. Bradlaugh's lectures are responsible replies, although the best bit was went he was interrupted by a religious person, and his lecture went shifted in great oratory and powerful arguments. I'd put them down as a draw. Done for Darwin Day, 12 February. All the best, David, England under snow