A Plain Statement of the Doctrines objected to in the Church of Rome 62002 [Author: Joseph Reilly] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/2/0/0/62002 ] [Files: 62002-0.txt; 62002-h.htm] For those wishing to know: this is a short autobiography (published 1827) of a Catholic priest in Ireland, on how he became a priest, his thoughts and mis-givings, how gradually he changed his opinions, particularly with relation to the Bible which was then starting to be distributed/suppressed in his area, and how eventually he decided to leave the Catholic church. It's a very honest book, and unlike some with similar titles, he's not condemnatory. After leaving he became a popular preacher in his area and was well-spoken of by those of his previous flock. All the best, David, England, overcast but warm