26 May
26 May
6:49 p.m.
The Fashionable World Displayed, by John Owen 62238 [Author AKA: Theophilus Christian] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/2/2/3/62238 ] [Files: 62238-0.txt; 62238-h.htm] For those wishing to know: Rev. Owen was vicar of Fulham, London, and a key figure in the British and Foreign Bible Society. He wrote this gentle-humoured "description" of the Fashionable World, it's inhabitants, laws, education etc. in 1804, around the same time as the Bible Society was being founded. At a time when the wealthy were abandoning the care of their "inferiors" and only living for pleasure, he politely points out that people have duties. All the best, David, Sunny England with blue skies