16 May
16 May
4:47 p.m.
Audio: Current Superstitions by Fanny Dickerson Bergen 28841 [Audio reading by Denny Sayers, roolynninms, Caitlin Kelly, Claire Goget, Silver, Andrew Lebrun, Scherzando, Kelli Robinson, Michael Corley ] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/2/8/8/3/28841 ] [Files: 28841-readme.txt; 28841-index.html; 28841-mp3.mp3; 28841-ogg.ogg; 28841-m4b.m4b; 28841-spx.spx ] Thanks to Denny Sayers, roolynninms, Caitlin Kelly, Claire Goget, Silver, Andrew Lebrun, Scherzando, Kelli Robinson, Michael Corley and Librivox (www.librivox.org) Josh