She hath done what she could, by Matthew Feilde 53889 [Subtitle: A Discourse addressed to the Ratepayers of St. Marylebone, urging the adoption of The Public Libraries Act, 1855] [Link: ] [Files: 53889-0.txt; 53889-h.htm] For those wishing to know: Matthew is one of my local Kensington heroes of the 1860s: he would write to the newspapers saying how good it would be to have a public library, he'd arrange a vestry meeting to enact the Public Libraries Act, he'd produce publicity to get people to go to it (like this eBook) and on the day only the local Vestry Men would turn, listen in total silience to Matthew's eloquent advocacy of libaries, and then, every time, vote 100% against him. And then next year, he'd have another go! All the best, David, Damp and a bit cold England