To see or download the book, go to .  There are 3 versions from which to choose: HTML, iso-8859-1 text file, and ascii text file.  There are no pictures with this book, so the text files will provide as much as the html.  I recommend the iso-8859-1 text file, because the ascii text file does not have accented characters.
To view or download, click on "main site" in the far right-hand column (the column labeled "download links."  If you want to download the file, choose the zip version, download it, and unzip it.  If you want to view on line, choose the first listing in each category (no compression).
I hope this answers your question.
----- Original Message -----
From: emel dinseven
To: Project Gutenberg Postings Announcements
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:01 PM
Subject: [posted] Re: Posted (#31759, Sue) !

Sir, I have some difficulty . there are 3 choices. I want to download all article or book including pictures and evry thing attaced in it. Which is suitable. Thank lots of hard work for people to read tha books. Best regards.

2010/3/24 Joe Loewenstein <>
The Infant's Skull, by Eugène Sue                                        31759
 [Subtitle: Or The End of the World. A Tale of the Millennium]
 [Tr.: Daniel De Leon]
 [Link: ]
 [Files: 31759.txt; 31759-8.txt; 31759-h.htm; ]
 [Clearance: 20090315112241sue]


Joe Loewenstein
