Indexers note: This had previously been indexed as "Interlopers at the Knap" (and is still indexed that way in GUTINDEX.ALL); it now appears to include all of _Wessex Tales_, as the new entry below notes. That collection includes "Interlopers at the Knap" as one of its stories, so we're not losing anything, but folks who are maintaining their own indexes of the Gutenberg works may need to update their catalog. John On 01/05/2011 10:03 PM, Al Haines wrote:
Wessex Tales, by Thomas Hardy 6553C [Link: ] [Files: 6553-readme.txt; 6553-index.htm]
This file has been updated with the new header, removed from its old address in etext04, and filed under the new directory system. An HTML file has been provided, with links to the audio files.
Thanks to Mike Eschman
Regards, Al