The following 82 eBooks have been UNposted and removed from the Project Gutenberg collection. This is due to some procedural issues with determining their public domain status. None of these eBook numbers will be re-used. Donkeys to bald pate, by Samuel Mines 68429 Victorious failure, by Bryce Walton 68432 The Gregory circle, by William Fitzgerald 68435 In the cards, by George O. Smith 68441 The deadly dust, by Murray Leinster 68455 The jet jockeys, by R. W. Stockheker 68456 Quest to Centaurus, by George O. Smith 68477 Skit-tree planet, by Murray Leinster 68478 The stroller, by Margaret St. Clair 68484 A hitch in time, by James MacCreigh 68959 You are forbidden!, by Jerry Shelton 68968 From beyond the stars, by Will F. Jenkins 68982 The sky was full of ships, by Theodore Sturgeon 68992 The nameless something, by William Fitzgerald 69028 The boomerang circuit, by Murray Leinster 69048 Atomic Station, by Frank Belknap Long 69264 Clutch of Morpheus, by Larry Sternig 69278 Come home from Earth, by Edmond Hamilton 69279 Information please, by Stanley Whiteside 69291 A matter of size, by Samuel Mines 69292 The pleasure age, by Joed Cahill 69293 Forgotten world, by Edmond Hamilton 69357 Siren satellite, by Arthur K. Barnes 69358 The disciplinary circuit, by Murray Leinster 69448 The manless worlds, by Murray Leinster 69465 They wouldn't dare, by Samuel Mines 69505 The irritated people, by Ray Bradbury 69506 Piety, by Margaret St. Clair 69516 The long way back, by John Barrett 69564 The admiral's walk, by Sam Merwin 69565 The timeless tomorrow, by Manly Wade Wellman 69652 Quarantine, by George O. Smith 69658 Space-Can, by Murray Leinster 69659 The knowledge machine, by Edmond Hamilton 69665 Regulations, by Murray Leinster 69666 Referent, by Brett Sterling 69687 Softie, by Noel Loomis 69688 The Devil of East Lupton, Vermont, by William Fitzgerald 69694 The square pegs, by Ray Bradbury 69708 Date line, by Benj. Miller 69709 Reverse English, by John S. Carroll 69713 Galactic heritage, by Frank Belknap Long 69719 The shape of things, by Ray Bradbury 69722 The cosmic jackpot, by George O. Smith 69731 Transuranic, by Edmond Hamilton 69729 Memory, by Theodore Sturgeon 69733 "I like you, too--", by Joe Gibson 69742 The sleeper is a rebel, by Bryce Walton 69778 The seven temporary moons, by William Fitzgerald 69796 Climate--incorporated, by Wesley Long 69820 Consulate, by William Tenn 69821 Ahead of his time, by Ray Cummings 69833 The foxholes of Mars, by Fritz Leiber 69919 Schizophrenic, by Noel Loomis 69921 Papa knows best, by Wallace Umphrey 69926 Fuzzy head, by Frank Belknap Long 69931 A horse on me, by Benj. Miller 69932 The ionian cycle, by William Tenn 69940 Jigsaw, by Tom McMorrow 69999 Metamorphosis, by Mike Curry 70001 Flight Eighteen, by Paul A. Torak 70003 If at first, by Bill Venable 70005 Moon dust, by Oliver Saari 70012 The Trans-Galactic Twins, by George O. Smith 70015 Sibling, by Leslie Waltham 70155 Bombs awry, by George O. Smith 70160 Arbiter, by Sam Merwin 70173 The dreamers, by Lu Kella 70183 Daughter, by Philip José Farmer 70184 The agile Algolian, by Kendell Foster Crossen 70212 The belly of Gor Jeetl, by Charles A. Stearns 70215 Booby prize, by George O. Smith 70216 The gadget had a ghost, by Murray Leinster 70218 The Mobius trail, by George O. Smith 70227 The ghost planet, by Murray Leinster 70230 Whistle stop in space, by Kendell Foster Crossen 70239 Fruits of the agathon, by Charles L. Harness 70240 Prize ship, by Philip K. Dick 70242 Second landing, by Murray Leinster 70247 The moon that vanished, by Leigh Brackett 70250 Yesterday's doors, by Arthur J. Burks 70251 Mr. Zytztz goes to Mars, by Noel Loomis 70257 Apologies to the volunteers who worked on these books, and to the readers who will no longer find them in the Project Gutenberg collection. Dr. Gregory B. Newby Chief Executive and Director Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541 gbnewby@pglaf.org