Proposed Surrender of the Prayer-Book and Articles of the ... 49114 [Title: Proposed Surrender of the Prayer-Book and Articles of the Church of England] [Author: William J. Irons] [Subtitle: A letter to the Lord Bishop of London] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/4/9/1/1/49114 ] [Files: 49114-0.txt; 49114-h.htm] THIS REPLACES THE PREVIOUS 49114 which was also by William J. Irons (On the Apostolical Succession), but was a duplicate of 49006 - I was getting lost with all these pamphlets. I've already changed the catalog. For those wishing to know: Yet another of the writings from clergy in Brompton, England (William J. Irons was vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton). The High Church party (of which Irons was a part) wanted to hang onto the Church of England Prayer-Book as it was thought to sanction a lot of things the High Church party practised. There was intense debate over it. All the best, David, England, very hot with a warm breeze