Thanks John, The large index file has not completed its upload yet because of repeated crashes. I hope to coax this through tonight and the "glitches" will be cured. Re the indication of the "bare mention of image filenames" in the text files, we have had suggestions from others that the text files should have an indication of the images which are present in the accompanying html files. I will look over the text files and see if I can improve on how the images are mentioned--or as there are so many, remove indication of the images entirely in this one. David Widger At 09:25 AM 6/3/2009, you wrote:
There appear to be some glitches with this set. In the HTML versions of the individual parts (#5782-#5788), the links to the main index and to previous and next parts don't work. In the text versions, there are bare mentions of image filenames that aren't explained in the text.
I understand that in the HTML edition of the unified releases (such as #119), the part- and index-links work, and that in the HTML versions, the image filenames resolve to images. But it would seem to me that if Gutenberg is also going to release alternative editions (whether plain text versions, or editions that represent only part of a work), that those releases should also be understandable and consistent in themselves (even if this involves some changes from what appears in the unified HTML editions).
David Widger wrote:
Corrections made and a Latin-1 file provided. A Tramp Abroad, by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) 119 [Subtitle: Complete] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/1/1/119 ] [Files: 119.txt; 119-8.txt; 119-h.htm]