Corrections and enhancements have been made in this file and it has been updated with the new header, removed from its old address in etext02, and filed under the new directory system. Unicode, HTML, etc. have been provided. I appreciate it's not really moved from the old system as that was done in bulk, but this is what my reposting would have done. I restores the second half of the book which wasn't originally transcribed as it was only originally done to get Ballades in Blue China which has now been done as a separate eBook. Ballades & Rhymes, by Andrew Lang 3138 [Subtitle: from Ballades in Blue China and Rhymes a la Mode] [Link: ] [Updated edition of: etext02/bldbc10.txt] [Files: 3138-0.txt; 3138-h.htm] All the best, David, Still damp England