The Divided Sabbath, by William Jowett 62203 [Subtitle: remarks concerning the Crystal Palace now erecting at Sydenham] [Link: ] [Files: 62203-0.txt; 62203-h.htm] For those wishing to know: another contribution on to the debate on whether the Crystal Palace should be allowed to open on Sunday afternoons for the working classes of London (this was 1852). In this the Rev. Jowett makes a theological point that you cannot split the Sabbath into two parts, and have a morning where everyone should go to church, and an afternoon for enjoying yourself. He also cites that Sabbath opening would mean increased traffic on the railways, which folk were trying to stop running on the Sabbath as well. All the best, David, England with winds, blue skies, and raindrops on the window
participants (1)
David Price