Is the Vicar of Brompton a Tractarian?, by Arthur Ellis 49113 [Link: ] [Files: 49113-0.txt; 49113-h.htm For those wishing to know: Arthur Ellis was a parishioner in Brompton, England, around 1855 when Dr. William J. Irons was vicar of Holy Trinity, Brompton. Whilst Irons denied being a Tractarian, he was most certainly heavily influenced by the Tractarian movement and personal friends with some of the movement's leaders. Ellis wished to expose this and published this short tract. I'd like to stress that the current Vicar of Holy Trinity, Brompton, is a very well-known man in English church circles and he's certainly NOT a Tractarian - the book being 160 years out of date! All the best, David, Windy but warm England
participants (1)
David Price