This might be a duplicate reposting note--I didn't receive the first try from pglaf. Corrections have been made and illustrations added. _The Way We Live Now_ was first published in twenty monthly parts from February, 1874, to September, 1875, and in book form by Chapman and Hall in 1875. Both the monthly parts and the Chapman and Hall first edition contained forty illustrations. These illustrations have been added to the html version. The artist, whose name is not listed on the title page, was long thought to be Samuel Luke Fildes, but recent scholarship attributes the illustrations to Lionel Grimston Fawkes. The Way We Live Now, by Anthony Trollope 5231 [Language: English ] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/5/2/3/5231 ] [Files: 5231.txt; 5231-8.txt; 5231-h.htm; ] [Clearance: 20130525091048trollope ] Thanks, Joe
participants (1)
Joseph E. Loewenstein, M.D.