Norwich Cheap Tracts No. 42: I'm Greatly Concerned about your Soul,by C. 62003 [Author: M. A. C.] [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/2/0/0/62003 ] [Files: 62003-0.txt; 62003-h.htm] For those wishing to know: published at some point in the 19th century, no doubt as a side-line to their main publishing business, Jarrold's of Norwich, England, had a whole series of these tracts. The key word is "cheap": you get 100 of them for 4 pennies. I purchased this with a lot of more substantial items some time ago, but have found that few of them survive, even in archives. Hence I'm releasing this alone - it's a very unconvincing story of a man who becomes more religious after his minister says he's concerned for his soul. As such it's probably Methodist. All the best, David, England, cloudy skies but bright
participants (1)
David Price