This book has been brought upto modern standards, moved from etext97 and reposted under the new directory structure. Charlotte Bronte's Notes, by Charlotte Bronte 771 [Link: ] [Files: 771-0.txt; 771-h.htm] This "book" has had more titles in Gutenberg than I care to remember. When I did it back in 1997 Michael Hart was so taken with Charlotte Bronte's explanation of the pseudonymns she and her sisters used that he made it the book title, even though it also contained Charlotte's introduction to Wuthering Heights. In the one file he also called it "Charlotte Bronte's" notes and I think it's been "Two Short Pieces by Charlotte Bronte" which is probably the most accurate of the lot! I've kept Michael's "Charlotte Bronte's Notes" in fond rememberance of him. These days I'd have put the lot in one book with Wuthering Heights and Mrs. Humphry Ward's intro - how times change. All the best, David England with dark clouds and a growing, warm, breeze PS. I know there's an accent in Bronte - I think all this stuff is ASCII though.
participants (1)
David Price