Brompton Square Act, 1825, by Anonymous 58113 [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/1/1/58113 ] [Files: 58113-0.txt; 58113-h.htm] For those wishing to know: back in 1825 if you wanted to have civil improvements in England you had to spend a lot of money on lawyers etc. to get an Act of Parliament drawn up to allow you to proceed. Getting the Act through Parliament cost an awful lot more. This is such an act, for a square in Brompton, near Kensington, London, in 1825. It seems people got paid by the word so it's also an exercise in spinning it out! And what the wanted to do (the full title but not used, including in Kensington Local Studies who let me use their copy) is: AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAVING, GRAVELLING, LIGHTING, AND WATCHING Certain Footways and Carriageways IN AND NEAR BROMPTON SQUARE IN THE PARISH OF SAINT MARY ABBOTTS KENSINGTON, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE Maintenance of a Garden and Shrubbery IN THE SAID SQUARE. Interestingly, since Parliament would pass it, it provides for prison sentences! All the best, David, England, damp
participants (1)
David Price