Hi, Team. This is another podcast about audiobooks. It's nicely done! The main link is: https://link.cohostpodcasting.com/38b93284-10cb-4566-a47b-2c4566e12676?d=eHg... There is some text below you could use as desired: ----- Forwarded message from Daria Kroupoderova <dkroupoderova@we-worldwide.com> ----- From: Daria Kroupoderova <dkroupoderova@we-worldwide.com> To: Greg Newby <gbnewby@pglaf.org> CC: WE_HayeteGallotExecComms <WE_HayeteGallotExecComms@we-worldwide.com>, Lin Yang <liyang2@microsoft.com>, Lauren Cutchin <laurenp@we-worldwide.com> Subject: RE: Pivotal Podcast Follow Up Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 17:34:51 +0000 Hi Greg, Stepping in for Lauren here and sharing that the episode is now live and available on all major podcasting platforms! Here's the post from Hayete on LinkedIn, promoting the podcast: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hayetegallot_literature-pivotal-ai-activity-7.... We also have some social copy drafted for you if you'd like to promote this on your social. Please edit as you see fit: My first experience with eBooks was “Alice in Wonderland” when I was a student at University of Albany. I had never even heard of Project Gutenberg, but I immediately understood the potential for electronic books that could be searched and shared on computers connected to a network. Today, Project Gutenberg is translating the power of eBooks into audiobooks with a little help from AI. Microsoft [TAG] technologies have helped us create 5,000 new computer-generated audiobooks. Along the way, we’ve experienced massive improvements in how the AI brings text to life through a much more natural reading style. You can hear that the pacing gets faster when it's an exciting section. You can hear when there's dialogue. You can hear the natural pause at the end of a paragraph or a chapter. You can hear different characters. With the power of AI and the cloud, we’ve been able to accomplish this much faster than we could just a few years ago. Now we’re envisioning what’s possible. With AI, we’re able to ask questions we never would have dreamed of before. Can we make our entire library queryable? Can we allow anyone to create an audiobook using their own voice as narrator? If you want to hear more about how Project Gutenberg is using AI to bring literature to life via audio, check out the latest episode of Pivotal with Hayete Gallot [TAG}, where I offer a look at our origin story, our long history with AI, and our plans for the future. https://link.cohostpodcasting.com/6f6ae657-637f-4229-b971-577a114ac8a6?d=e2Z... Thank you again for your participation in Pivotal! All the best, Daria + WE Team