Hi, team. We have some neat videos that were donated to us by an advertising firm. Would you please post them to the PG Twitter & Facebook pages? They are fairly high-quality videos, but FB & Twitter should properly downsample as needed for playback. They are here: https://wdrv.it/e58444890 Text could be something like this: Do you have a favorite movie? Check if it was based on a book, and you’ll enjoy the story much, much more. Take a look at our latest campaign to find out why. And go to our website to download thousands of free ebooks. #ProjectGutenberg Thanks! Would you please let me know when these are done? The videos are ours to keep, and can be reposted periodically. We might get a few more, and if you have suggestions for books let me know.. we are selecting PG eBooks that: a. Are a current movie, and b. Are not too long... up to 200 pages or so - Greg