Hi team. The attached image was forwarded by Marie Lebert, and seems it might be fun to put on our social media feeds. Potential blurb: Caricature of Michael Hart by Denis Renard. Featured in the History of eBooks comic, https://archive.org/details/history-ebooks-drawings More information about Danis is online at http://planchetdessins.canalblog.com/ Thanks for considering. I'll put this in the next newsletter, too. ~ Greg ----- Forwarded message from marie lebert <marie.lebert@gmail.com> ----- From: marie lebert <marie.lebert@gmail.com> To: Greg Newby <gbnewby@pglaf.org> Subject: Re: Michael seen by Denis Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 12:17:50 +1100 Dear Greg, Denis' preferred link is his website: http://planchetdessins.canalblog.com/ He is a French comic/graphic book artist living in Normandy. This drawing was originally part of this ebook (page 2): https://archive.org/details/history-ebooks-drawings All the best, Marie On Sun, 27 Oct 2024 at 11:19, Greg Newby <gbnewby@pglaf.org> wrote:
Thanks for this, Marie. It's a nice likeness.
Does Denis have a link or social media we could include? I'd like to ask our social media team to consider posting it.
Best, Greg
On Sun, Oct 27, 2024 at 03:21:57AM +1100, marie lebert wrote:
Dear Greg,
Here is Michael Hart seen by my friend Denis Renard, who is a comic/graphic book artist.
You are welcome to use the picture attached.
Denis can also provide a high-resolution picture if needed.
I am writing on Denis' behalf because he is not fluent in English.
All the best,
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