I've received some correspondence from people watching our FB & Twitter about issues with some people in Italy reaching PG. Feel free to use this email list to share information. Below is a generic response I have sent to people who contact the helpdesk. - Greg Project Gutenberg has received reports that some visitors from Italy are being blocked from www.gutenberg.org We were informed that visitors are blocked with an image with this text: Italian: Guardia di Finanza NUCLEO SPECIALE TUTELA PRIVACY E FRODI TECNOLOGICHE SITO SOTTOPOSTO A SEQUESTRO per le violazioni di cui agli artt. 81 cpv, 171, co.2, L.633/1941 Procedirnento Penale n. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. I. Procura della Repubblica presso ii Tribunale Ordinario di Roma Translation to English: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome Evidently, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the www.gutenberg.org servers or associated infrastructure. We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details. We apologize that Project Gutenberg is not available in Italy, at least to some users. This does not seem to be something that Project Gutenberg has any control over. We suggest that impacted persons contact their local librarian for help in finding eBooks of interest. Best regards, Greg Newby Dr. Gregory B. Newby Chief Executive and Director Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541 gbnewby@pglaf.org