Here's some more coverage:
Over 260K *people* have downloaded the book in the last month, 200K+ in
the last week.
Confidentially: It's known that our "Top 100" page methodology significantly
undercounts downloads. I'm not sure why. The raw logs show much
more traffic. I haven't tried to count this particular book's
downloads, though.
~ Greg
On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 10:14:33PM -0800, Greg Newby wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 06:54:18PM -0500, Eric Hellman via socialmedia wrote:
> >
> >
> > Declassified CIA Guide to Sabotaging Fascism Is Suddenly Viral
> >
> That's one of my favorite PG books which I have quoted often in
> academic settings when petty bureaucrats are sabotaging forward
> progress - in fact I'd previously saved a copy of the text from p. 28
> that the article shows.
> Confidentially: I've received a couple of requests from individuals
> who thought maybe we shouldn't offer that book. I've referred the
> requesters to our collection development policy.
> In the event this gets covered in our social media, a link to the
> policy would be a good idea. The ALA's Freedom to Read statement is a
> powerful response to attempts at censorship.
> As the article points out, it's not a mystery why some people
> are suddenly interested in the book's topic.
> Also FYI, at the very start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the
> book spiked for a few days to #1 in the Top 100 list. I didn't notice
> any media coverage of that, at the time, and FYI PG does not keep
> server logs more than 30 days so we could not and cannot report on
> where it was downloaded from except for the most recent period. And I
> won't be reporting on that (or even checking for my own curiosity)
> unless forced to.
> ~ Greg
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