It seems we will have a new volunteer to help us on our social media. Her name is Carla (theshriek)!!

I'll keep you informed about it. Starting to talk to her...


Em seg., 10 de mar. de 2025 às 12:45, Laura N <> escreveu:
Dear colleagues:

By talking to Sharon, she was also surprised that no one answered my previous request.

According to her, "the problem with the Books I'd Like to See topic (where I posted) is that
posts are quickly buried by newer posts, so if you want people to see it,
as in this case, a new topic is probably best."

You can see my new request here:

PG social media opportunity

LindaH will also add a note in her next GM report.

We are getting older, we must ensure continuity in our social media.

Thanks for your support
