Eric, Can you take a look at this? I wonder whether it's a timing issue, where the FB posting is made but the book landing page isn't available yet. I created a github issue for this: https://github.com/gutenbergtools/ebookconverter/issues/45 Christine, thank you! This is very helpful. I don't know what to say about the book covers... Eric wrote some code to make random ones, and they are only added when the eBook doesn't have its own cover scan. It would be possible for Eric's code to use less bright colors. I've never seen a complaint in the PG helpdesk inbox or elsewhere, so I wonder whether the complaints you see are not considerate and well-reasoned, but are just a byproduct of toxicity found on social media. Thanks again for thoughts on this. ~ Greg On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 09:51:54AM +1100, Christine Bell wrote:
Hi Greg,
Please see four screenshot attachments of the most recent link that didn't upload properly and how I fixed it. It had the correct book link which works, but it lacks preview of title and book cover. After refreshing, it's perfect.
On another note, we've had plenty of complaints about these generic blue/green book covers. It'd be good to use something more elegant, less colourful.
Kind regards, Christine
On Sat, Dec 9, 2023, 11:16 AM Greg Newby <gbnewby@pglaf.org> wrote:
Thanks for this, Christine. Apologies I didn't name you when I named Eric & Paul!
I'm not sure I understand what the before- and after- looks like, when you fix links. If you can send a few details, perhaps with screenshots or examples, we can file an issue in github for Eric to consider.
Thanks again. ~ Greg
On Sat, Dec 09, 2023 at 10:38:27AM +1100, Christine Bell wrote:
Not all entries are failing. I've been doing "refresh share attachment" on the New PG posts that didn't show the link and book cover correctly. There's been approx two per day over the last week. I've fixed occasional fails like this for years.
It'd be great to have the automatic links fixed, if possible, thanks.
Kind regards, Christine
On Sat, 9 Dec 2023, 10:31 am Greg Newby via socialmedia, < socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org> wrote:
Paul & Eric: can you take a look?
Thanks! Greg
----- Forwarded message from Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins@tarcanfel.org
From: Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins@tarcanfel.org> To: help2023@pglaf.org Subject: Facebook Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2023 17:07:57 -0600
Something is munging the new book announcements on facebook. They aren't showing covers, and some aren't even showing the title.
Not complaining, you can't fix it if you don't know.
-- Jonathan
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