I've received some correspondence from people watching our FB & Twitter about issues with some people in Italy reaching PG. Feel free to use this email list to share information. Below is a generic response I have sent to people who contact the helpdesk. - Greg Project Gutenberg has received reports that some visitors from Italy are being blocked from www.gutenberg.org We were informed that visitors are blocked with an image with this text: Italian: Guardia di Finanza NUCLEO SPECIALE TUTELA PRIVACY E FRODI TECNOLOGICHE SITO SOTTOPOSTO A SEQUESTRO per le violazioni di cui agli artt. 81 cpv, 171, co.2, L.633/1941 Procedirnento Penale n. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. I. Procura della Repubblica presso ii Tribunale Ordinario di Roma Translation to English: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome Evidently, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the www.gutenberg.org servers or associated infrastructure. We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details. We apologize that Project Gutenberg is not available in Italy, at least to some users. This does not seem to be something that Project Gutenberg has any control over. We suggest that impacted persons contact their local librarian for help in finding eBooks of interest. Best regards, Greg Newby Dr. Gregory B. Newby Chief Executive and Director Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541 gbnewby@pglaf.org

Dear all: The block from SIAE, which started in the Province of Rome, is affecting all users in Central Italy (Tuscany specifically) also. According to francesco p. micozzi (works at array.eu <https://t.co/SWCV503DTB?amp=1>) @fpmicozzi Avvocato - Diritto penale, dell'informatica e delle nuove tecnologie: "Strano un tipo di sequestro limitato a Roma... direi quasi impossibile o errore" (Strange a type of kidnapping limited to Rome ... I would say almost impossible or mistake) cheers Laura Em qua., 20 de mai. de 2020 às 12:33, Greg Newby via socialmedia < socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org> escreveu:
I've received some correspondence from people watching our FB & Twitter about issues with some people in Italy reaching PG. Feel free to use this email list to share information.
Below is a generic response I have sent to people who contact the helpdesk. - Greg
Project Gutenberg has received reports that some visitors from Italy are being blocked from www.gutenberg.org
We were informed that visitors are blocked with an image with this text:
Italian: Guardia di Finanza NUCLEO SPECIALE TUTELA PRIVACY E FRODI TECNOLOGICHE SITO SOTTOPOSTO A SEQUESTRO per le violazioni di cui agli artt. 81 cpv, 171, co.2, L.633/1941 Procedirnento Penale n. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. I. Procura della Repubblica presso ii Tribunale Ordinario di Roma
Translation to English: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome
Evidently, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the www.gutenberg.org servers or associated infrastructure.
We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details.
We apologize that Project Gutenberg is not available in Italy, at least to some users. This does not seem to be something that Project Gutenberg has any control over. We suggest that impacted persons contact their local librarian for help in finding eBooks of interest.
Best regards, Greg Newby
Dr. Gregory B. Newby Chief Executive and Director Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541 gbnewby@pglaf.org _______________________________________________ socialmedia mailing list socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org https://lists.cpunks.org/mailman/listinfo/socialmedia

Some new complaints from some Italian users today: Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy] [image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> · 3h <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti/status/1264493467008405504> Hi, @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> , I discovered today that the italian version of the site is blocked. Any chance to solve this problem? Ùquen [image: Brain] [image: Earth globe europe-africa] [image: Raised hand with part between middle and ring fingers] @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> · 2h <https://twitter.com/_Sazed/status/1264509681738883073> @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> ne sai qualcosa? Con alcuni provider compare l'avviso della guardia di finanza. Then I posted Greg's last statement at @gutenberg_org Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy] [image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> · 1h <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti/status/1264513959782219776> Thankyou a lot. I hope this situation will change, in Italy they are blocking several sites distributing illegally ebooks and newspapers. It seems the authorities have assumed that your site is similar (!). Project Gutenberg @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> · 38m <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org/status/1264533140632227841> All our ebooks are within US public domain!! Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy] [image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> Replying to @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> and @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> But surely they are in Italy too! But in these days in Italy they are conducting a bad campaign against ebooks and newspapers illegal sharings. I say bad because, clearly, they are not able to distinguish. Project Gutenberg @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> · 19m <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org/status/1264538090019921920> Replying to @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> and @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> Is there any additional action we could make in order to elucidate this whole mess? Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy] [image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> Replying to @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> and @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> Send a message to (inter)national press. Should be important I guess. @ilpost <https://twitter.com/ilpost> @repubblica <https://twitter.com/repubblica> @LaStampa <https://twitter.com/LaStampa> @Corriere <https://twitter.com/Corriere> @neXtquotidiano <https://twitter.com/neXtquotidiano> Or/and leave a box on your site's main page. Here we can reach the site only with tricks (changing dns, anonimization...). Greg what do you think about the later suggestions? Do you think it's feasible to post a note on our website? Wishing all a splendid Sunday. Laura Em qua., 20 de mai. de 2020 às 15:59, Laura N <lnatal55@gmail.com> escreveu:
Dear all:
The block from SIAE, which started in the Province of Rome, is affecting all users in Central Italy (Tuscany specifically) also.
According to francesco p. micozzi (works at array.eu <https://t.co/SWCV503DTB?amp=1>) @fpmicozzi Avvocato - Diritto penale, dell'informatica e delle nuove tecnologie:
"Strano un tipo di sequestro limitato a Roma... direi quasi impossibile o errore"
(Strange a type of kidnapping limited to Rome ... I would say almost impossible or mistake)
Em qua., 20 de mai. de 2020 às 12:33, Greg Newby via socialmedia < socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org> escreveu:
I've received some correspondence from people watching our FB & Twitter about issues with some people in Italy reaching PG. Feel free to use this email list to share information.
Below is a generic response I have sent to people who contact the helpdesk. - Greg
Project Gutenberg has received reports that some visitors from Italy are being blocked from www.gutenberg.org
We were informed that visitors are blocked with an image with this text:
Italian: Guardia di Finanza NUCLEO SPECIALE TUTELA PRIVACY E FRODI TECNOLOGICHE SITO SOTTOPOSTO A SEQUESTRO per le violazioni di cui agli artt. 81 cpv, 171, co.2, L.633/1941 Procedirnento Penale n. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. I. Procura della Repubblica presso ii Tribunale Ordinario di Roma
Translation to English: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome
Evidently, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the www.gutenberg.org servers or associated infrastructure.
We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details.
We apologize that Project Gutenberg is not available in Italy, at least to some users. This does not seem to be something that Project Gutenberg has any control over. We suggest that impacted persons contact their local librarian for help in finding eBooks of interest.
Best regards, Greg Newby
Dr. Gregory B. Newby Chief Executive and Director Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541 gbnewby@pglaf.org _______________________________________________ socialmedia mailing list socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org https://lists.cpunks.org/mailman/listinfo/socialmedia

Hi, Laura. I'm not sure what we would post on www.gutenberg.org, other than we are aware some people in Italy are being blocked. I don't want to use that page to advocate for any particular action. We don't want such a message to backfire. Thanks for any thoughts you might have... Greg On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 02:08:01PM +0100, Laura N wrote:
Some new complaints from some Italian users today: Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy]
[image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> · 3h <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti/status/1264493467008405504> Hi, @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> , I discovered today that the italian version of the site is blocked. Any chance to solve this problem? Ùquen [image: Brain] [image: Earth globe europe-africa] [image: Raised hand with part between middle and ring fingers] @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> · 2h <https://twitter.com/_Sazed/status/1264509681738883073> @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> ne sai qualcosa? Con alcuni provider compare l'avviso della guardia di finanza.
Then I posted Greg's last statement at @gutenberg_org
Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy]
[image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> · 1h <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti/status/1264513959782219776> Thankyou a lot. I hope this situation will change, in Italy they are blocking several sites distributing illegally ebooks and newspapers. It seems the authorities have assumed that your site is similar (!).
Project Gutenberg @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> · 38m <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org/status/1264533140632227841> All our ebooks are within US public domain!!
Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy]
[image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> Replying to @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> and @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> But surely they are in Italy too! But in these days in Italy they are conducting a bad campaign against ebooks and newspapers illegal sharings. I say bad because, clearly, they are not able to distinguish.
Project Gutenberg @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> · 19m <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org/status/1264538090019921920> Replying to @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> and @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> Is there any additional action we could make in order to elucidate this whole mess?
Trovatore in transito [image: Flag of Italy]
[image: Earth globe europe-africa] @matteozenatti <https://twitter.com/matteozenatti> Replying to @gutenberg_org <https://twitter.com/gutenberg_org> @_Sazed <https://twitter.com/_Sazed> and @lastknight <https://twitter.com/lastknight> Send a message to (inter)national press. Should be important I guess. @ilpost <https://twitter.com/ilpost> @repubblica <https://twitter.com/repubblica> @LaStampa <https://twitter.com/LaStampa> @Corriere <https://twitter.com/Corriere> @neXtquotidiano <https://twitter.com/neXtquotidiano> Or/and leave a box on your site's main page. Here we can reach the site only with tricks (changing dns, anonimization...).
Greg what do you think about the later suggestions? Do you think it's feasible to post a note on our website?
Wishing all a splendid Sunday.
Em qua., 20 de mai. de 2020 às 15:59, Laura N <lnatal55@gmail.com> escreveu:
Dear all:
The block from SIAE, which started in the Province of Rome, is affecting all users in Central Italy (Tuscany specifically) also.
According to francesco p. micozzi (works at array.eu <https://t.co/SWCV503DTB?amp=1>) @fpmicozzi Avvocato - Diritto penale, dell'informatica e delle nuove tecnologie:
"Strano un tipo di sequestro limitato a Roma... direi quasi impossibile o errore"
(Strange a type of kidnapping limited to Rome ... I would say almost impossible or mistake)
Em qua., 20 de mai. de 2020 às 12:33, Greg Newby via socialmedia < socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org> escreveu:
I've received some correspondence from people watching our FB & Twitter about issues with some people in Italy reaching PG. Feel free to use this email list to share information.
Below is a generic response I have sent to people who contact the helpdesk. - Greg
Project Gutenberg has received reports that some visitors from Italy are being blocked from www.gutenberg.org
We were informed that visitors are blocked with an image with this text:
Italian: Guardia di Finanza NUCLEO SPECIALE TUTELA PRIVACY E FRODI TECNOLOGICHE SITO SOTTOPOSTO A SEQUESTRO per le violazioni di cui agli artt. 81 cpv, 171, co.2, L.633/1941 Procedirnento Penale n. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. I. Procura della Repubblica presso ii Tribunale Ordinario di Roma
Translation to English: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome
Evidently, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the www.gutenberg.org servers or associated infrastructure.
We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details.
We apologize that Project Gutenberg is not available in Italy, at least to some users. This does not seem to be something that Project Gutenberg has any control over. We suggest that impacted persons contact their local librarian for help in finding eBooks of interest.
Best regards, Greg Newby
Dr. Gregory B. Newby Chief Executive and Director Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541 gbnewby@pglaf.org _______________________________________________ socialmedia mailing list socialmedia@lists.pglaf.org https://lists.cpunks.org/mailman/listinfo/socialmedia
participants (2)
Greg Newby
Laura N