Re: [socialmedia] instability of PG website in Italy

Hi, Laura (cc'ing socialmedia@). Thanks for forwarding the image. The translation is: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome So, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the servers or associated infrastructure. We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details. Thanks, Greg On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 10:32:05AM +0100, Laura N wrote:
Dear colleagues:
I wonder if there is any kind of instability in our website. Two Italian users at are saying that it's impossible to reach it, even by using multiple browsers and on mobile as well. One of them got the following msg: [image: EYPrYRSWoAMS4x1.jpg] On the other hand, an Italian PG's proofreader is saying that it looks normal for him.
Could you please check what is going on?
Thanks for your kind attention.
All the best
Laura, (from

Thanks for your feedback Greg! I have already asked one of our Italian proofreaders (Andrea Grappolo) to check our website from time to time. Nobody else complained since this morning. And I will watch closely all notifications coming from Italian users, we will see... All the best Laura Em seg., 18 de mai. de 2020 às 13:36, Greg Newby <> escreveu:
Hi, Laura (cc'ing socialmedia@). Thanks for forwarding the image.
The translation is: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome
So, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the servers or associated infrastructure.
We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details.
Thanks, Greg
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 10:32:05AM +0100, Laura N wrote:
Dear colleagues:
I wonder if there is any kind of instability in our website. Two Italian users at are saying that it's impossible to reach it, even by using multiple browsers and on mobile as well. One of them got the following msg: [image: EYPrYRSWoAMS4x1.jpg] On the other hand, an Italian PG's proofreader is saying that it looks normal for him.
Could you please check what is going on?
Thanks for your kind attention.
All the best
Laura, (from

Dear all: Just got feedback from Andrea: "I searched what "art. 81 Cpv C.P. e 171 L.633/1941" means. It is because of SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers). SIAE is the first enemy of arts and culture in Italy." And he made the following post: Andrea Grappolo @ViolaSupernova <> Amici di #Roma <>; potreste, di grazia, navigare su <> (il sito web di @gutenberg_org <> ) e confermarmi che vi beccate 'sta schifezza qui? (Sembra che la web sia bloccata solo a Roma). Grazie :-) Friends of #Roma <> ; you could, of grace, surf on <> (the website of @gutenberg_org <> ) and confirm that you get caught 'is crap here? (It seems that the web is blocked only in Rome). Thanks :-) We got an answer already: Sito irragiungibile Em seg., 18 de mai. de 2020 às 14:28, Laura N <> escreveu:
Thanks for your feedback Greg!
I have already asked one of our Italian proofreaders (Andrea Grappolo) to check our website from time to time. Nobody else complained since this morning.
And I will watch closely all notifications coming from Italian users, we will see...
All the best
Em seg., 18 de mai. de 2020 às 13:36, Greg Newby <> escreveu:
Hi, Laura (cc'ing socialmedia@). Thanks for forwarding the image.
The translation is: Guardia di Finanza SPECIAL CORE PRIVACY PROTECTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FRAUD WEBSITE SUBJECT TO SEQUEST for the violations referred to in articles 81 para. 171, co.2, L.633 / 1941 Criminal Procedure no. 52127/20 R.G.N.R. THE. Public Prosecutor at the Ordinary Court of Rome
So, this is a block applied by Italian authorities (perhaps only in Rome). It's not anything on the servers or associated infrastructure.
We don't have any agents or expertise in Italy (PG operates wholly from the US). If someone in Italy finds out more about this, we will be pleased to receive further details.
Thanks, Greg
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 10:32:05AM +0100, Laura N wrote:
Dear colleagues:
I wonder if there is any kind of instability in our website. Two Italian users at are saying that it's impossible to reach it, even by using multiple browsers and on mobile as well. One of them got the following msg: [image: EYPrYRSWoAMS4x1.jpg] On the other hand, an Italian PG's proofreader is saying that it looks normal for him.
Could you please check what is going on?
Thanks for your kind attention.
All the best
Laura, (from
participants (2)
Greg Newby
Laura N