[posted] Posted(#38612, Darton)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Wed Jan 18 10:32:15 PST 2012

City Scenes, by William Darton                                           38612
   [Subtitle: or a peep into London]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/3/8/6/1/38612 ]
   [Files: 38612-0.txt; 38612-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: a children's book from 1828 with around 80 
wood-cuts illustrating parts of London.  There's a short description of 
each place, although the choice is somewhat unusual: Saint Paul's is fine, 
but "The Drowned Boy"?  Darton was the compiler and probably wrote most of 
the text, which isn't really that good.

All the best,
England, raining and cold

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