[posted] Posted(#43526, Wroth)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Tue Aug 20 23:06:47 PDT 2013

Cremorne and the Later London Gardens, by Warwick Wroth                  43526
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/4/3/5/2/43526 ]
   [Files: 43526-0.txt; 43526-h.htm]

Pleasure gardens florished in London until the latter half of the 1800's - 
they were places which put on entertainment, often dancing, had gardens 
you could walk round, and, most importantly, you could sit down whilst you 
drank.  Cremorne, in Chelsea, was the most notorious of these, and its 
name appears repeatedly in the Police Court records, the local Vestry 
minutes (they wanted it shut down) etc.  Wroth was an expert on such 
gardens and this is a readable book covering many of them during the 
1800's.  They have all now gone, but their names often linger in street 
names etc.

All the best,
Early morning, no sun yet, but warm and the skies clear

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