[posted] Can someone repost these missing texts from the 9000s?

John Mark Ockerbloom ockerblo at pobox.upenn.edu
Sat May 16 13:13:56 PDT 2015

I'm updating my links to reflect the mass migration of Gutenberg files
from the etext05/ directory to the new system, and not everything seems
to have made it across.  In particular, these etexts from the 9000s
don't seem to be in the new system, though their files are gone
from the old system on Gutenberg.org:

   * 9078: _Sanders' Union Fourth Reader_: etext05/sread10*
   * 9101: _Domestic Cookery..._ by Elizabeth E. Lea: etext05/cookh10*
   * 9156: _Life and Remains of John Clare_: etext05/lfrem10*
   * 9196: _The Clockmaker_ by Thomas Chandler Haliburton:
              etext05/clckm10a* (based on a different edition than
   * 9390: _Fifteen Years With the Outcast_
              by Fflorens Roberts: etext05/fywto10*

They're still on some of the Gutenberg mirrors, though.
(For instance, files for all of the above are still at
  http://gutenberg.readingroo.ms/ ).
Can someone repost them in the new system on gutenberg.org?

(I may soon have more reports from the 8000s and earlier, but this
  was first batch I looked at from the big migration.  I also have not
  included some missing 9000s numbers that to my knowledge have not been
  previously posted.)



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