[posted] Posted(#51104, Allen & Morton)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Mon Feb 1 13:05:39 PST 2016

Allen & Morton's West London Directory for 1867, by Allen & Morton       51104
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/1/1/0/51104 ]
   [Files: 51104-0.txt; 51104-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: this is trade and people directory for the West 
part of London (mainly Hammersmith) for 1867.  As a historical resource 
it's very useful as, with a bit of effort, you can find where people 
lived, who their neighbours were, the local shops and trades etc.  It was 
a massive undertaking for the firm, and although they created an 
invaluable resource, they never proofed their work and they made thousands 
of errors, some of which I've corrected, most I've left as there's now no 
way to resolve the conflicts the book has.  I pride myself that in all 
history I'm going to be the only person who ever read it all - the 
publishers certainly didn't!

All the best,
Windy England

PS. In Victoria days they had medicines to cure everything, and make hair
 	grow again - how sad such secrets are now lost.

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